

The Secretary General, HHCJ Generalate HHCJ Ifuho P. O. Box 155 Ikot Ekpene


+ 08037938596




Our Mother Foundress was a woman of deep faith and a great vision.  Among other things, she wished for the Congregation to spread throughout the country of Nigeria.  This vision of hers has gone beyond the shores of Nigeria. She entrusted the young Congregation to the care of the Holy Child Sisters who took over from her.  As the young HHCJ Congregation took root by then the Holy Child Sisters, were already working in Ghana. Sister Mary Francis (Theresa Amissah) attended the Holy Child Teachers’ Training College in Cape Coast then.

When she expressed the desire to become a religious, the Holy Child Sisters, who were our formators and superiors at the time, instead of admitting this young aspirant: Theresa Amissah into the Holy Child Congregation, generously and selflessly directed her to join the Handmaids of the Holy Child Jesus (HHCJ) Congregation in Nigeria. Sr. Mary Francis was therefore, admitted into the Congregation of the Handmaids of the Holy Child Jesus in 1951 after finishing her Teacher’s Training education. She was immediately followed by Sr. Mary Michael (Anna Nortey) the same year and both of them were professed in December 1954.  Sr. Mary Michael however, left the congregation before her final vows in 1962.

In January 1954 three other Ghanaians in the persons of: Sisters Mary Pius Andrews, Maria Consolata Suapim, and Maria Dolores Inkoom followed up to Nigeria to begin their training as Religious. Sr. Mary Perpetua Osei Wusu, followed up with Sr. Mercedes Mensah in 1955. Sr. Margaret Mary Ntrakwah, followed in 1959 with Sr. Mary Baptista Desbordes. This was the year we were also invited as a Congregation to come and work in Ghana and we responded same year, in 1959. As at this time we had just about four Professed Ghanaian Sisters. These pioneer Ghanaian Sisters were: Srs Mary Michael Nortey, Mary Pius Andrews, Maria Consolata and Maria Dolores Inkoom. 

Thus far all the Ghanaian Sisters who had joined the Handmaids were mainly from the Fanti tribe. Except Sr. Mary Michael who was Ga as well as Sr. Maria Perpetua Osei-Wusu who was Ashanti and Margaret Mary Ntrakwah who was a Denkyira. The inter-tribal character of the HHCJ is somewhat evident here from the onset. But all these later Sisters mentioned were still in Nigeria under formation. And so when these Sisters were professed and came home from Nigeria in 1960, Sr. Maria Perpetua Osei-Wusu toured round the Ashanti Region, it was the first vocation rally recorded among HHCJ in Ghana; from these tours three Ashanti girls were gotten in the persons of Agnes Alberta Antoh and Gladys Brobbey in 1961, Catherine Ofori in 1962.

These aspirants were promptly sent to the novitiate in Nigeria. Upon the completion of their training, these newly professed Sisters of HHCJ returned from Nigeria and they lived in Saltpond their first home then (this was after we were invited and settled in Saltpond). This home came about when we received the invitation to come to Ghana, the Holy Child Sisters generously built and equipped a Convent in Saltpond, in the Central Region of Ghana, and donated it as a welcome gift to the Handmaids of the Holy Child Jesus. This became the first Convent, the foundation of the Handmaids of the Holy Child Jesus in Ghana. This was in January 1959. 

By Divine Providence, our presence in Ghana started inspiring more vocation into the congregation. And so when the Sisters zoomed into rigor we had the first aspirant from the north, Sr. Jean Frances Dabuo who lived with her parents in the Central Region that time. She was immediately dispatched for formation in Nigeria and almost at the same time Sr. Bernadette Honny also followed to Nigeria. After them more aspirants were inspired and these included Sr. Mary Dorothy Honny and Sr. Helen Amusu. About two years later Sr. Eugenia Atta Paidoo followed to Nigeria. She was also followed by Sr. Elizabeth Anderson and Sr. Monica Otoo. Sr. Beatrice Coffie and Sr. Theresa Barnie were the last two to be sent and trained in Nigeria.

The 3rd General Chapter in Calabar in 1971 had decreed that a Novitiate should be started in Ghana when the number of vocations increased.  That dream became a reality on 15th January 1981. The pioneer-novices of this novitiate are Sr. Georgina Brenya, Sr. Elizabeth Agyeiwaa, Sr. Mary Agyeiwaa and Sr. Theresa Francisca Fordjour.



This is how our expansion to Ghana happened: by 1959 the Congregation in Nigeria had an experimental self-governing administration. Most Rev. William Porter, the then Archbishop of Cape Coast, made a memorandum of understanding with the young Congregation for the Ghanaian Sisters to be sent home to work after their religious/academic training, and so he was the first who invited the Handmaids to come and work in his Archdiocese.

The experimental self-governing Superior General, Mother St. John Williams, a foundation member of the congregation, responded promptly to the invitation and sent one Nigerian and four Pioneer-Ghanaian Handmaids to Saltpond in the Archdiocese of Cape Coast which is in the Central Region of Ghana on 16TH January, 1959. The foundation members to this mission and the first members of the Saltpond Ghana community were: Mother Mary Gertrude Waturuocha, one of the Congregation’s foundation members, led the delegation as their superior on the mission together with the Pioneer-Ghanaian Sisters: Srs Mary Michael Nortey, Mary Pius Andrews, Maria Consolata and Maria Dolores Inkoom.                                                                                                 

These Sisters worked tirelessly among the people of Ghana, especially among the children, the youth and the women. Mother Mary Gertrude and the four sisters carried out diversified areas of apostolate including teaching of catechism, home visitation, preparing people for the sacraments and instructing women on good Christian living and on their role as mothers and good wives, as it used to be done in Calabar while Mother Mary Charles Magdalene Walker was with them.  As the first Superior of the mission, Mother Mary Gertrude was very loving, caring and motherly to the Sisters as well as the pupils under her care. The Sisters worked in the St. John the Baptist Catholic School. To have a good hold on the girls, they separated them from the boys in the mixed school as “A” and “B” schools in Saltpond.

Again they put up a Hostel annex to the convent for girls far away and nearby alike who wished to be boarders. Mother was head of the Home Science Department while the other Sisters taught various classes in the school. This school proved to be the best in the overall Home Economics and Needle Work Exhibition which took place in the Anglican Girls’ Secondary School in October that same year, 1959. This attracted more parents to send their children to our school, St John the Baptist Catholic School, Saltpond. 

As a woman enthusiast, Mother Gertrude founded the Catholic Women Association (C.W.A.) in Ghana on June 17, 1959 in Saltpond which spread rapidly to other parts of the Archdiocese and Ghana as a whole. It soon became affiliated to the World Union of Catholic Women’s Organization (W.U.C.W.O.). The Association has now spread to all the catholic dioceses in Ghana. This calls on us therefore, to be interested in the wellbeing and in promoting the Catholic Women Association in the Parishes where we are. In December 1959, Mother Mary Gertrude left Ghana for Nigeria as a delegate for the first HHCJ General Chapter. To show their love for her and their desire to have her back, the C.W.A. members bought for Mother, a return ticket to Ghana. Unfortunately for them, however, Mother Gertrude was elected the first substantive Superior General of the HHCJ Congregation.

She came back however, and was given an official befitting welfare party and she was replaced by Mother St. John Williams on February 6, 1960 as Superior on the mission, she was one of the foundation members of the Congregation who served as the experimental Superior General. She came as the Mission Superior of the Community at Saltpond.  Mother St. John continued the good works of Mother Mary Gertrude until 1966 when she too left Ghana finally to Nigeria. She was loved by all who came in contact with her. She was replaced by Sr. Mary Pius Andrews, a Ghanaian Handmaid, as the Mission Superior of the Saltpond community.

On 26th April 1961, Mother Mary Gertrude made her maiden visit to Ghana as a Superior General to the Saltpond Community.  She was accompanied by Sister Mary Francis Amissah, the first Ghanaian Handmaid.  Later on 9th September, 1961, Sister Mary Francis Amissah, Sister Maria Consolata and Sister Maria Dolores went to Dunkwa-on-Offin still in the Central Region of Ghana also in the Archdiocese of Cape Coast to start a second HHCJ Community. Coincidentally, around this time the Nigerian civil war had started.



The Nigerian/ Biafran civil war was a devastating experience for both natives and non-natives. Consequently, our novices were very much threatened not only for their lives but also the smooth running of their novitiate programme was threatened. The Sisters had to flee from the war to other places within Nigeria for safety, but thanks be to God, nothing happened to any of our Sisters. Lagos was safer since it was untouched by the war. The war was more a war between the East of Nigeria(Igbos)and the rest of Nigeria. Therefore, the Igbo Sisters were very more threatened and so were evacuated to Lagos along with the HHCJ Novices. But this interfered with the novices smooth training.

So the Superior General contacted different Congregations with novitiates in and around Lagos for their settlement and training but to no avail. Fortunately, during this critical time there was a timely invention from Ghana by the Archbishop of Cape Coast, Most Rev. John Kojo Amissah, who was ready to accommodate the HHCJ Novices among his Diocesan Congregation’s (The Infant Jesus Sisters) Novitiate facility in Cape Coast. This Bishop was the blood brother of the Regional Superior at the time, Sr. Francis Amissah. He went to the extent of sending one of his priests from Ghana, Rev. Fr. Enoo, to inform the Superior General, Mother Mary Gertrude of this favour. The Novices in Lagos as well as those in Eriam were therefore transferred to Ghana for safety and smooth training. These novices included the Ghanaian aspirants who had gone to Nigeria for training.

Sister Mary Genevieve Cudjoe who was the Novice Mistress in Nigeria could not accompany the Novices to Ghana.  Sister Sylvia Edet who had just finished her studies in the Netherlands was to take care of the Novices in Ghana. After a short stay Sr. Edet returned to Nigeria.  She was replaced by Sister Maria Immaculata Offiong. There were four sets of Novices who stayed in Ghana for about four years. When the civil war in Nigeria came to an end the HHCJ Novices stopped coming to Ghana for their training and they finally left to Nigeria in 1971 after making their various first professions.                                                            



On 9th September, 1961, Sister Mary Francis Amissah, Sister Maria Consolata and Sister Maria Dolores went to Dunkwa-on-Offin also in the Archdiocese of Cape Coast to start the second Community.  Sister Mary Francis Amissah became the first Superior This Second Community was put up by the generosity of the Archbishop John Kojo Amissah who succeeded Archbishop William Porter of the Archdiocese of Cape Coast.  In September of the same year the Sisters took charge of the Catholic Girls’ School which the Sisters created out of the St. Stephen Catholic mixed school in Dunkwa-on-Offin. These Sisters too carried out the same good works in the School as well as in the Parish as were done in Saltpond.

 A few more aspirants in the diocese showed interest in the religious life and were sent to Nigeria for their training to become religious. The Professed Sisters who lived in the two communities had to manage with their meagre income at the time. In later development, two other Sisters were transferred to Dunkwa-on-Offin Community – Sisters Margaret Mary Ntrakwah and Mary Dorothy Honny –they had a very difficult and trying time.  They had to work extra hard to make ends meet. Their survival was due to the assistance of Divine Providence. They tried to make the best of the situation they found themselves in and lived happily.

The Sisters lived in the two Communities until the Bishop of Kumasi Diocese at the time Most Rev. Peter K. Sarpong, invited some of them to start a foundation in Sunyani in 1973. (The diocese of Kumasi at the time comprised both the Ashanti and Brong Ahafo Regions).  A few months after the Sisters went to Sunyani the diocese was divided and Sunyani became a Diocese.  The Sisters who were there lived in a rented house until the Convent was built. The Sunyani community was the third community opened so far.



Meanwhile, the Archbishop of Cape Coast, Most Rev Kojo Amissah, did not take it lightly at all when the Sisters moved to Sunyani. He had wanted them to take up another apostolate in the Archdiocese which the Sisters did not have the personnel for at the time.  So when the Archbishop of Cape Coast, Most Rev. John Kojo Amissah heard about the Handmaids expansion to the Sunyani Diocese, he became very furious and hurt on the grounds that he had been inviting us for a long time to go to Bibiani in his Archdiocese but we refused on the grounds that we had no personnel. He said that if we had the personnel to go to the Sunyani Diocese then, we should all move there and let our presence be felt there. As a result of this, we were asked to withdraw from Saltpond, our first convent, at the end of the 1974 academic year, with a warning that we would be withdrawn from Dunkwa the second convent as well and for that matter completely driven out of the Cape Coast diocese.

Meanwhile, he had already started his own diocesan Congregation but the Sisters were probably not trained enough and also not many to undertake other apostolates.  He was so angry that he asked the Sisters to leave Saltpond and join the Sisters in Dunkwa for a greater impact (Even though the Saltpond convent rightly belonged to the HHCJ he drove us out of our own property). It was a malicious idea he had when he said the Sisters were to join those in Dunkwa-on-Offin for “greater impact” on the girls as they were few in number.  The HHCJ were still too young and knew not their right therefore, did not know they could have refused to leave since he was not the one who built the Saltpond convent.

 It was too late when it dawned on them that, if the Archbishop was able to kick them out of a house he did not build how much more the house he built.  Lo and behold the order came eventually that the Sisters should leave Dunkwa as well. This was the first setback and a big blow to the young Congregation but they forged ahead regardless, trusting in Divine Providence. Our Mother foundress never fought for anything, not even what she labored for and owned. Notwithstanding, we are in the 21st century, we have suffered enough, it is about time we know what our rights are and fight a justified course as may be required henceforth!



Even though we were driven out from the Cape Coast Diocese in 1974 we worked our way back into the Cape Coast diocese again in recent years. Ancilla Hostel has been the brain work of successive Provincial Superiors: The land was acquired by Sr. Bernadette Honny in 2007 through the help of Sr. Theresa Sarfo Pomaa.  As the years went by the succeeding Provincial Superior, Sr. Germaine Ocansey began the construction work on the plot to a certain level. In the aftermath, Sr. Ignatia Safoaa Buaben, the immediate past Provincial Superior continued the construction work to completion in 2017. 

The Ancilla Hostel by its proximity to the South Campus of the Winneba University College of Education, was earmarked to be a hostel for the students at this University most of whom live around in rented homes some of which are not even completed. Nevertheless, at its completion, the members of the Knights and Ladies Auxiliary of St. John international were the first to hire the hostel and stayed a week for their regional conference which took place in Winneba. After them, the Pax – Romana members from the Catholic University College of Ghana, Fiapre also resided here for a programme at the University of Education, Winneba. Additionally, the 2017 ‘28th December Day’ celebration of the Sisters of Ghana Province, was also held here, not only to mark this yearly event of the Congregation, but to also celebrate the achievement of this building project and our triumphant entry back into our place of rejection.

After the 28th celebrations, subsequently, Sr. Christina Doggu, the then Provincial Vicar was missioned to begin a community in this hostel on the 25th of June, 2018 as Sister in-charge of this project. She was later accompanied by Sr. Jacinta Duruanyim, a newly professed missioned to Ghana. Sr. Christina’s arrival was timely as she and the Sisters at the provincial house together with the Provincial Superior were feverishly cleaning and putting finishing touches to set up the rooms in readiness for the arrival of a group of white people volunteers from Europe, an NGO founded in Spain known as “Yes We Help.

The first group of 12 volunteers arrived in May. After that, groups of over hundred volunteers arrived in succession for a period of time till 6th of September, 2018; when the last group left the hostel. On September 31st 2018, the first students arrived to live in the hostel; by the 30th of October, there were a total of seven students, resident in the hostel so far. The hostel is a four storey and has a capacity of about 150 students. On the 28th of September, more community member arrived, Sr. Susana Akko. Sr. Susana who was to be the superior and the matron of the hostel.

On the 29th of November, 2018 Sr. Lucy Dery arrived as another community member. They were then a pioneering community of four Sisters: Sr. Susana Akko, (house superior), Sr. Christina Doggu (hostel in-charge), Sr. Lucy Dery (assistant hostel in-charge) and Sr. Jacinta C. Duruanyim. The Parish Priest of the Sacred Heart parish, Winneba gave the community a tabernacle and a ciborium. He also gave us a wooden monstrance to facilitate our weekly and monthly adoration. The community is indebted to him. We had no convent yet so the ground floor of the hostel was converted as a convent set-up.

In the later part of 2018/2019 academic year the number of students who were resident in the hostel had increased from 7 to a total of 30 students, most of whom were final year students. We began a rife advertisement of the hostel facility. Our efforts were rewarded as finally in the 2019/2020 academic year, we witnessed almost a full intake of the hostel to a total of about 100 students. During the holidays, the place is occasionally being used by individual guests and groups who use the place for their meetings/conferences.



SUNYANI COMMUNITY – (SUNYANI DIOCESE)                                                                                                                                         

The HHCJ expansion to the Sunyani diocese caused our expulsion from the Cape Coast diocese. When the number of HHCJ Sisters in Ghana began to increase, Most Rev. Peter Kwasi Sarpong, the Bishop of Kumasi Diocese, invited the Handmaids to his Diocese. After showing the Sisters a lot of places, the Sisters chose to minister in Sunyani, in the Brong-Ahafo Region and that same year Sunyani which was under the Archdiocese of Kumasi, became a diocese with Most Rev. James K. Owusu as Bishop. In September 1973, Sisters Mary Francis Amissah, and Rosemary Essien were posted to Sunyani to begin the HHCJ foundation there with Sr. Mary Francis being their local superior as well as the Experimental Regional Superior of Ghana. The Sunyani convent was the first community established after the HHCJ indefinite departure from Cape Coast Archdiocese.         

When the HHCJ arrived in Sunyani, the new Bishop of Sunyani, Most Rev. James Kwadwo Owusu, asked the Sisters to begin a private preparatory school for the Diocese which was founded by the Diocese. This was started as a “Day Care” at the Cathedral premises by Sr. Rosemary Essien with the help of Sr. Mary Francis. The main school block was soon started and completed at the present site on the Sunyani/Odumasi road as the “St. Mary’s Preparatory/JHS”. This is a basic school which consists of a Pre-school (that is, a crèche, a nursery and a kindergarten), as well as a Primary and a Junior High School Departments.

The school has progressed steadily to the present as one of the best “Grade A’’ schools in Ghana. The present Headmistress is Sr. Victoria Takyi-Nyarko. Apart from St. Mary’s, the Diocesan Bishop also requested the Handmaids to teach in the St. Patrick’s Catholic School which was then a co- educational school. Sister Mary Francis who had requested for single sex school separated the girls from the boys in the mixed St. Patrick’s school into two separate ‘Boys’ and ‘Girls’ Schools as was done in Saltpond and Dunkwa and she became Headmistress of the Girl’s School. Here too the Sisters did a lot of pastoral work as was done before in the previous Convents. Apart from education the Sisters in this community were also involved in a Sewing Project which is involved in the sewing of mainly school uniforms for our schools, as well as ecclesiastical and liturgical products.

The Sunyani convent is located at the Nkwabeng North situated on the Odumasi road. The Sisters who began both the community and the school were: Mary Francis Amissah, Sr. Rosemary Essien, Sr. Elizabeth Anderson, Sr. Mary Dorothy Honny and Sr. Germaine Ocansey, (now Mother Germaine). They were all trained teachers and immediately took up the task. By the year 2000, over one thousand pupils had passed through the school with distinction and this has been the hallmark of the school up to date. By 1978 to 1985 Sr. Mary Dorothy was the Headmistress of St Mary’s’ School with Sr. Germaine Ocansey, Sr. Elizabeth Anderson, Sr. Theresa Barnie, Sr. Lucy Dei as teachers in the school. Sister Dolores was the Diocesan women organizer then. Some of the other pioneer Sisters were: Srs Maria Dolores Inkoom, Mary Pepertua Osei-Wusu, Margaret Mary Ntrakwah, and Sr. Mary Baptista Desborders.

The Sisters worked tirelessly with the new Bishop, Kojo Owusu. Some acted as Catechists going to the outstations to conduct services since there were very few priests at the time.  Sister Maria Dolores Inkoom started the “Kete” group, the C.Y.O and the youth choir.  The contribution of the Sisters was enormous /immense as they worked wholeheartedly and tirelessly to evangelize and to promote the Christian faith. During functions and meetings, the Sisters acted as caterers doing all the cooking and serving. Even though they did not have the needed facilities for the cooking they always improvised sometimes using the open space outside as their kitchen.  The meeting of the Bishops’ Conference held in Sunyani for the first time, saw the Sisters actively engaged in preparation of meals for the Bishops and serving them with palatable dishes which earned them the title “hotel”. Between 1985 to about 1989 the following Sisters also served in the Sunyani Community in various capacities: Sr. Catherine Ofori, Sr. Mary Paulina Prah (1984 to 1987), Sr. Ignatia Safowaa Buaben, Sr. Francisca Amponsah (of blessed memory), Sr. Elizabeth Agyeiwaa and Sr. Angela Zaghe.

By 1990 Sr. Germaine Ocansey was the Headmistress of St Mary’s Prep/JHS and Local Superior with Sr. Mary Louisa Bediako-Asare, Sr. Agnes Serwaa Gyasi and Sr. Juliana Gyamfi as teachers in the school. Also, Sr. Elizabeth Agyeiwa, Sr. Felicia Zumebome and Sr. Veronica Adu-Fosua (of blessed memory) were students in residence in the community. By 1993 Sr. Juliana Gyamfi took over as the Headmistress of St. Mary’s Prep/JHS and Sr. Mary Louisa as Local Superior. Sr. Theresa Sarfo Pomaa (1992-1994) and Sr. Faustina Ganaa (1993-1994) and much later Sr. Vida Kuukaa and Sr. Sarah Asiedu (1996-1998) were teachers at the St Mary’s school.

Also in community at this time were Sr. Susana Akko Matron at the Pastoral Centre, Sr. Rosemond Fiadjoe Secretary at the Bishop’s office, Sr. Agnes Serwaa Bursar at the Diocesan Health office, and Sr. Veronica Thompson Quainoo as Typist/Secretary at the Catholic Secretariat. Sr. Mary Pius was in charge of CWA. Sr. Mary Francis Amissah when she stepped down as Regional Superior from 1992 had been in residence in this community initially still helping at the St. Mary’s school until she went into prayer apostolate by 1994 until her demise.  

From 1997 to 1998 Sr. Catherine Acquah was assigned to this community briefly. About the same time Sr. Josephine Agboso was assigned to this community and from 1998 served as the School Bursar and Sr. Victoria Takyi Nyarko was the new Headmistress of the school and was also serving in the Provincial Council with Sr. Rosemond Fiadjoe both community members. As at 1999 Sr. Josephine Agboso was the Local Superior until she assumed the duty as Provincial Bursar. Sr. M. Dolores Inkoom and Sr. Eugenia Mansa Mensah were assigned to the community from 2000 to run the Provincial Sewing project in Sunyani. Sr. Mary Dorothy Honny around 2001-2004 was the community local Superior and was serving at the Ghana Education office until her retirement.

In 2002 Sr. Mary Baptista Desbordes and Sr. Theresa Afia were both assigned to work at the St. Mary’s school. Sr. Pricilla Dery assumed the new role as a secretary at the Catholic University of Ghana and was assigned to live in this community in 2002. Sr. Priscilla has climbed the promotion ladder over the years to the position as the Assistant Registrar of the Catholic University a position she served the past years until now 2022. Sr. Bernadette Moseray and Sr. Gertrude Gombay were also assigned to the Sunyani community to teach in the school from 2000 to 2003 before they left finally for Sierra Leone. Sr. Gertrude was at a point the school bursar and also teaching at the JHS. In 2003 Sr. Eugenia Mansa was transferred and was replaced by Sr. Regina Mate Korley to run the Provincial sewing project. Sr. Eugenia Mansa returned to this apostolate again from 2015 to 2017. From 2004 to 2005 Sr. Baptista was the Local Superior and also served as the School Bursar up to date. Sr. Theresa Mensa was assigned in 2004 to 2007, and again in 2013 to 2014 to the Provincial Sewing project. In 2004 up to 2007 Sr. Sabina Daanoba was also assigned to teach at the St. Mary’s Crèche. Sr. Martha Ali also served at the school Crèche for some years. Sr. Rosemary Tameah was in residence as a Sister student at the Sunyani Polytechnic.

From 2007 to 2009 Sr. Priscilla was the Local Superior of the community. Sr. Petrina Ton was assigned to the Sunyani Provincial Sewing project from 2007. Sr. Constance Ansong was a national service person at the Provincial Canteen project.  From 2009 to 2010 Sr. Stella Egbu was assigned as teacher at the St Mary’s school and Local Superior of the community. Also Sr. Theresa Pomaa serving at this time in the Provincial Council was assigned to teach at the St. Mary’s JHS. Sr. Paula Banglieobo assigned in the same year to be the in-charge of the school Crèche. The following Sisters while schooling at the Catholic University at various periods were affiliated to the Sunyani community as students: Sr. Happiness Osuji from 2007 to 2011, Christiana Chika Ifeabunike from 2008 to 2009, Sr. Joyce Baabereyir, Sr. Sabina Daanoba, and Sr. Maryann Ononiwu.

Sr. Theresa Fordjour from 2011 to 2017 was assigned to the Sunyani Provincial Sewing project and was also the Local Superior until 2020. From 2017 she was no longer at the sewing centre but was assigned to the St. Mary’s Crèche up to date. Also since 2012 Sr. Anna Twumasi was assigned to the community but works as a Pharmacist at the Holy Family Hospital, Berekum up to date, 2022. Sr. Edith Kuupan was also assigned as the Manageress of the Sunyani Sewing centre from 2018-2022.

From 2011- 2019 the following Sisters were assigned to teach at different periods and in different capacities at the St Mary’s school: Immaculata Egwim, Sr. Immaculata Chinomso Oguayo, Sr. Mary Amoako and Sr. Lucy Sarfoaa Manu. Since 2018, Sr. Gladys has been taken ill and has been in this community till date on prayer apostolate. Currently Sr. Georgina Brenya who just returned from mission in Canada is the Local Superior of the community and the resident Nurse at the St. Mary’s Prep/JHS. The HHCJ presence in Sunyani and with the support of the Bishop then and now, enabled them to open other communities in the diocese and beyond. Education, health care delivery, social and pastoral work was a top priority in all our communities throughout the country until now. Three  pioneer Sisters, Sr. Mary Pius, Sr. Francis Amissah, Sr. Mary Perpetua Osei-Wusu passed on in this community …Dates?..


Nsoatre convent began with two pioneering members, Sr. Perpetua Osei-Wusu and Sr. Eugenia Atta Paidoo in September1978. As the St. Mary’s school was progressing very well, the Bishop of Sunyani, Most Rev. James Owusu, again asked the Handmaids to begin a secondary school at Nsoatre, a rural place about 12 miles away from Sunyani for the Diocese in 1977.  The new Bishop was so enthusiastic, desirous and anxious to develop Sunyani and its environs.  As such he wanted the Sisters to start a secondary school to help the youth as the area was a bit backward in education. 

The Bishop had arranged it such that the Sisters were to meet with the chiefs and elders of Nsoatre and Chiraa and afterwards decide on which of the two places they wanted to settle. They first went to see the chief of Nsoatre who was so elated with the delegation and won the Sisters over with his generousity and warm reception and friendliness. And so, the delegation was so overwhelmed by the kind gesture of the Chief that they right away accepted the offers he gave them. Unknown to them the Chiraa people were even more prepared for them. They were ready to supply the wood and other building materials for the building to be put up. Unfortunately, Nsoatre was already chosen for the convent and the secondary school.  The Chiraa people were very disappointed.  

 Sr. Mary Perpetua Osei-Wusu was the First Headmistress, she went with Sr. Eugenia Atta Paidoo as a teacher to start Sacred Heart Secondary School (SAHESS) in a temporarily building in town. Initially they were coming to the new school in Nsoatre from Sunyani until the following year, 1978, when they settled in another temporarily dwelling very close to the school site at Nsoatre. The Bishop also put up a small school block for the school and they moved into it in 1984 for full school work. Before that from 1982 onwards, Sr. Bernadette Honny and Sr. Catherine Ofori were tutors in SAHESS to support Sr. Perpetua and Sr. Eugenia. Srs Bernadette Honny and Catherine Ofori had just returned from studies from Rome and Ireland respectively. In addition to being a tutor Sr. Catherine Ofori was the Regional Bursar at the time. Sr. Bernadette was also in addition to being a tutor was also giving part time lessons to the novices at the new novitiate in Ghana.

There was also a temporary structure provided as a hostel for student girls who wanted to be boarders. It was a make shift wooden structure that was nick named “The Ark”. Soon after that Sr. Eugenia left for studies, Sr. Perpetua was alone, so Sr. Patience Quayson was assigned to replace her as a tutor in SAHESS. Also around 1990 Sr. Elizabeth was assigned a tutor in SAHESS and was the assistant Headmistress. Even when Sr. Elizabeth was elected Regional Superior from 1993, she was still serving in the school as a tutor and her role as assistant Headmistress was assigned to Sr. Veronica Adu Fosua who was already a tutor in the school since 1992.

Also around this same time in the 1990s some of our Sisters were students in SAHESS: Sr. Regina Mate Korley, Sr. Augustina Inkoom and Sr. Priscilla Dery. Sr. Helen Amusu also worked in SAHESS from 1991 to 1992.  Also from 1992 Sr. Benedicta Uzokwe was also a tutor in SAHESS and acting as the school Bursar. In 1994 Sr. Constance Ansong also was assigned to teach Home Economics and Moral Education in SAHESS. Also in residence in the community was Sr. Josephine Agboso 1996-1997(Student).

Some of the Sisters even though tutors had to also bear other responsibilities at the girls’ hostel as follows: around 1999, Sr. Benedicta Uzokwe was the Hostel Mistress and tutor in SAHESS.  In 2002 Sr. Veronica Adu Fosua was the Hostel Mistress and tutor in SAHESS. In 2007 Sr. Scholastica Yiripare was hostel mistress and tutor in SAHESS with Sr. Margaret Yamoah as hostel bursar and also tutor in SAHESS (before she went on mission to Grenada).

Due to ill-health Sr. Theresa Sarfo Pomaa took over from Sr. Scholastica the running of the hostel in 2011 and was also a tutor in SAHESS. Other community members at this time were: Sr. Dorothy Banyog-enne, Sr. Josephine Agboso (1996-1997) in residence as a student, Sr. Margaret Afrifa (1986-1990) and Sr. Juliana Pelbe (2001-2002) before leaving for mission in Nigeria. Sr. Happiness Osuji was a tutor in SAHESS from 2011 to 2012 before she went on mission to Sierra Leone. Current recruits include Sr. Rose Naatu and Sr. Emmanuella Dakurah as tutors in SAHESS (Sr. Scholastica Yiripare just retired as a teacher in the school).

By 1996 Sr. Perpetua upon retirement was succeeded as Headmistress by Sr. Mary Dorothy Honny. From 2000-2003 Sr. Elizabeth Anderson had also succeeded Sr. Mary Dorothy Honny as SAHESS Headmistress. Around this period Sr. Faustina Ganaa (2001-2002) was a tutor in SAHESS. Sr. Elizabeth was elected as a General Counsellor of the Congregation who eventually left for Nigeria in 2004 and Sr. Benedicta Uzokwe succeeded her till date (2022) as Headmistress.  In residence in the community from 2001-2004 as Sister students were Sr. Lucy Yeltule Dery, Sr. Agnes Ackah-Mensah and Sr. Florence Badu. Sr. Catherine Acquah was also assigned to this community from 2003-2005.

When Sr. Perpetua retired, she started the Handmaids’ Prep/JHS (HPS) for the Congregation on 20th January, 1997 as the foundress and Headmistress with a staff strength of two, Sr. Regina Asante and Sr. Gertrude Gombay who were then second year novices. Sr. Gertrude Gombay was later assigned to the school after first profession in 1998 up to 1999. Sr. Beatrice Coffie was also assigned to this community from 1997 and taught at HPS at its preliminary stages as a school together with Sr. Bibian Onyekaonwu and Sr. Gertrude Gombay both teachers at the HPS.

Sr. Bibian Onyekaonwu was also the Asst. Vocation Directress. In 2002, Sr. Stella Egbu was also assigned to HPS as a teacher. In 2007, Sr. Mary Louisa Bediako- Asare took over from Sr. Perpetua as Headmistress with Sr. Lucy Yeltule Dery as Assistant Headmistress and Sr. Mary Ann Ononiwu as School Bursar. A few years later when Sr. Mary Louisa was elected the Provincial Vicar she handed over to Sr. Catherine Danso Sefah as Headmistress. Currently Sr. Juliana Gyamfi is Headmistress and Sr. Regina Asante as Assistant Headmistress. Sr. Marie Goretti Yawa was school bursar who later handed over to Sr. Naomi Frimpomaa. Sr. Susana Amu (2014-2015) and Sr. Jacinta Attari also taught in the HPS (2017-2018) and Sr. Susana was also in residence from 2015.

The Sisters in both apostolates in SAHESS and HPS had no proper accommodation and so, they solicited some external funding to build a convent. By 1988 they had obtained some funding and the land was cleared and work began. The Sisters continued to live and share with the student girls until December 1992 when the convent was completed and the Sisters moved in. The primary apostolate of the Sisters in Nsoatre has been teaching; in both schools: SAHESS and HPS. The Sisters main concern is to take care of the physical and spiritual needs of the students. On the average they reached out to about 700 to 1,200 students daily. The Sisters also take active part in the pastoral work of the church. Some serve on the Pastoral Council of the parish, the Women’s Council, the Education Board of the Diocese among others. They also engage in marriage counselling, give talks to women groups in the church, care of widows and orphans, the poor/disabled; (Liliane Funds foundation to alleviate the sufferings of the physical and mentally challenged children).

The Sisters also identify with the various church groups where they serve as patrons and also play evangelizing roles. The community is one of the model communities where they enjoy a peaceful co-existence. There is usually a good rapport among members. The following Sisters also lived and worked in this community Sr. Theresa Barnie, teacher –HPS, Sr. Helen Makokah, school Bursar –HPS, Sr. Cecilia Bosomtwi-Hostel mistress and also as school Bursar-HPS, Sr. Dorcas Kyere, Hostel mistress-HPS. Sr. Marie Goretti Amelewo-School Bursar-HPS.

Currently, Sr. Juliana Gyamfi is the Headmistress of HPS, Assistant Headmistress is Sr. Regina Asante and Naomi Frimpomaa as School Bursar-HPS.


Attached to the SAHESS was also a temporary structure provided as a hostel for student girls who wanted to be boarders. It was a make shift wooden structure that was nick named “The Ark”.  In spite of all the hardships that the Sisters who lived with the girls in this structure went through, not forgetting the crawling creatures that also inhabited there and frightened the hell out of the girls, they were able to make the place a haven for themselves, the students and all who cared to visit them. In later years the Sisters replaced the “Ark” with beautiful hostel infrastructure and the intake had also increased.

Sr. Loretta Owvigho was assigned as the Ancilla Hostel Mistress from 1999-2000. She was assisted by Sr. Lucy Yeltule Dery in 2000 as Hostel Mistress and teacher at HPS. Sr. Loretta took over from Sr. Benedicta Uzokwe who was the Hostel Mistress and tutor in SAHESS. In 2002 Sr. Veronica Adu Fosua was the Hostel Mistress and tutor in SAHESS and Sr. Angela Zaghe as Hostel Bursar. In 2004 Sr. Patience Quayson was assigned to be the Hostel Mistress taking over from Sr. Veronica and Sr. Angela. Sr. Patience at this time was also the Vocation Directress. Sr. Patience took over the Hostel with Sr. Edith Kuupan as Hostel Bursar. In 2007 a new team took over at the hostel, Sr. Scholastica Yiripare as hostel mistress and tutor in SAHESS with Sr. Margaret Yamoah as hostel bursar and tutor in SAHESS and later Nelly Chepchumba Malakwen took over from Sr. Margaret (when she went on mission to Grenada) as hostel bursar. Due to ill-health Sr. Theresa Sarfo Pomaa took over the running of the hostel with Sr. Vida Gbeli Dery as hostel bursar in 2011.

More infrastructure was added on to the Ancilla Girls’ Hostel: the new block of the hostel was initiated and started by Sr. Veronica Adu Fosua (of Blessed memory), it was continued to a certain point by Sr. Patience Quayson and completed much later by Sr. Scholastica Yiripare. Fortunately, or unfortunately, between 2012 and 2013, the Ghana Government stepped in and put up an administration, an academic and boarding facilities: two dormitory blocks for both boys and girls in the school premises. Because of these developments, the Ancilla Hostel girls relocated accordingly to the SAHESS campus to take residence in the boarding facility that had been provided by the government. Now the girls hostel which hitherto housed these SAHESS girls became vacant.

The Provincial Superior and Council had to re-strategize and took a decision that the Ancilla Girls Hostel remains a boarding facility but presently as a boarding facility for the use of the Handmaids’ Preparatory/JHS (HPS) girls who opted for boarding status. Sisters who have served in the hostel at various times are: Sr. Eugenia Atta Paidoo, Sr. Benedicta Uzokwe, Sr. Loretta ovwigho and Sr. Lucy Yeltule Dery, Sr. Veronica Adu Fosua (of blessed memory) and Sr. Angela Zaghe, Sr. Patience Quayson and Sr. Edith Kuupan, Sr. Scholastica Yiripare and Sr. Margaret Yamoah, Sr. Nelly Mallakween, Sr. Theresa Pomaa Sarfo and Sr. Faustina Bema, Sr. Vida Gbile Dery, Sr. Dorcas Kyere and Sr. Cecilia Bosompim. The names of the Sisters are in the order in which they served at the hostel either as Hostel Mistresses or Hostel Bursars or both.

Currently running the hostel for HPS boarders are Sr. Scholastica Yiripare in residence at the hostel with Sr. Beatrice Coffie and Sr. Rose Naatu. The current population of students at the hostel stand at ………. Kindly help update!!!


Berekum community was started in 1995 with two Sisters Sr. Mary Louisa Bediako Asare and Sr. Anna Twumasi.  The Bishop of Sunyani, Most Rev. James Owusu invited the Handmaids to start a private school for the St. Theresa’s Parish in Berekum.  In 1995 Sr. Mary Louisa Bediako-Asare as the superior and the Headmistress, went with Sr. Anna Twumasi for this mission. Other community members at this time from 1996 to 1998 were Sr. Theresa Afia and Sr. Sr. Faustina Ganaa both students in residence. While Sr. Mary was working in the school, Sr. Anna worked in the Holy Family Hospital as a dispensary Technician. There was an existing Pre-School which was started by the Christian Mother’s Association (CMA).

This was handed over to the Sisters to start the ‘’Madonna Preparatory School’’ by Sr. Mary Louisa Bediako-Asare. In 1998 a nurse/Midwife was assigned to join the community, Sr. Georgina Brenya who worked at the Holy Family Hospital. Sr. Mary began the admissions into class one until the school reached class four when she left for further studies in the USA. The school was handed over to Sr. Catherine Danso Sefah as the new Headmistress till 2013 when Sister Catherine was also transferred from the school. Sr. Cornelia Darimani was the In-charge of Madonna Preparatory and teacher from 2000-2002. Sr. Judith Magbity was also in residence in this community as a student from 2000-2002. From 2002 onwards Sr. Judith had finished school and served as a nurse at the Holy Family Hospital. Agatha Ifenkwe was assigned to the Berekum community in 2001. From 2002-2005 Sr. Cornelia was the First Headmistress of Madonna JHS.

Sr. Anna Twumasi went for further studies from 2002-2004 under the sponsorship of the Holy Family Hospital to do her studies in pharmacy. When she completed her studies, she went back to work in the hospital. More health personnel Sisters were sent to work in the Hospital. In 2006 Sr. Margaret Afrifa was assigned as a Nurse Tutor at the Nursing School. Sr. Anna completed her studies as a Pharmacist and in 2009 Sr. Ignatia Safoaa Buaben completed her studies in Germany as a Physiotherapist both were assigned to the Hospital.

The Sisters are still running both the Primary and the Junior High Schools of the Madonna Preparatory School and they too are performing very well. In 2006 Sr. Susana Akko took over as Headmistress at the JHS and Sr. Immaculata Egwim was the new Headmistress at the Madonna Preparatory in the same year. But at a point Sr. Immaculata was heading both the Primary and the JHS. Nevertheless, Sr. Theresa Barnie succeeded them later in 2009 and currently Sr. Theresa Barnie is the Headmistress at the Primary and also supervising the JHS. Sr. Janet Etornam is assisting her at the Nursery and Crèche Unit. Also in residence is Sr. Ruth Ataa Nyarko a Sister student at the Nursing Training College, Berekum.

In 2013 Sr. Monica Allegang was assigned to the community for easy access to hospital treatment and care due to her health condition. Same year Sr. Germaine Amuoh was also assigned to this community on health grounds and for easy access to treatment and care. In 2015 Sr. Christina Doggu was assigned to the community on Pastoral ministry as she rested from her term of office as Directress of novices. She took up the care of these two invalid Sisters diligently amidst great challenges until their demise. May their souls rest in peace. Both unfortunately passed on ……. Dates?????

Initially Accommodation was a big problem for the Sisters in this community as the number of Sisters assigned to the community increased. So previously, for a very long time in the 1990s the Sisters lived in one of the hospital quarters as more Sisters were sent there to minister, the little quarters became too small for them and even more difficult receiving any visitor. Through the help of Missio and the Ghana Province, the Sisters started the construction of a new convent.  The convent is located on the Biadan Road in Berekum, south of the Holy Family Hospital building. The building was nicely walled with burnt bricks sponsored by one of their benefactors, Mr. Peter Claver. When the building had reached an appreciable level (partially complete) out of necessity the Sisters moved in temporarily in 2003 while other minor works were still going on. It was finally completed in …year??????……

The Sisters in this community, are either nurses at the hospital or lecturers at the nursing institute or both. Sometimes the members of the community may also be students at the nursing institute. Currently ministering at the hospital are two nursing tutors: Sr. Margaret Afrifa and Sr. Judith Magbity. Sr. Judith is also the Nurses Administrator and a part time lecturer at the Catholic University.  The Sisters are highly committed to their work. They see Christ in the sick and are continuing his healing ministry on earth. The teachers nonetheless bring Christ to the children they teach and guide. This apart, they also involve themselves in the pastoral needs of the church; ministering to the Women groups, the charismatic movement, serving in the Parish Council, visiting the sick, care of the poor and so on.


On the 25th of November, 2019 Sr. Judith Magbity moved with Sr. Roseline Henry Udoh to take residence at the Holy Family Hospital premises as the Nurses Administrator of the hospital till date.



The Bishop of Kumasi invited the Sisters to Obuasi to start a Community there, at the time Obuasi was still under the Kumasi diocese. As the Bishop of Kumasi had requested, in 1977 the Handmaids responded to his invitation to go to Obuasi in his Diocese. The Convent at Obuasi was officially opened on 28th September, 1977. It was one of our first Communities after those in Cape Coast diocese.  Sister Mary Pius Andrews and Sister Gladys Brobbey were the first to start the community. While Sr. Mary Pius was teaching in the Christ the King Catholic Secondary School, Sr. Gladys was attached to the Home Science Department at the basic St. Thomas Catholic School, Obuasi. Sister Mary Baptista Desborders later joined the Community and Sr. Janet Kwakye, teacher. In residence around the 1990s were Sr. Susana Akko on national service and Sr. Monica Allegang (of blessed memory) as a student. 

Their other apostolate involved teaching, attending to the needs of women organizations and catechesis/pastoral work.  Sister Mary Pius was the Local Superior and was also later the Assistant Headmistress at the Christ the King Secondary School at Obuasi.  She also started the Catholic Women Association in Obuasi and its outstations.  In 1983 the Sisters pursued a chance of opening up another convent in Obuasi at Christ the King Catholic Secondary School site which did not materialize. Sr. Theresa Fordjour from 1990-1991 and also from (2007-2008) was the local superior and a teacher at the Vocational school. In community with her were Sr. Janet Kwakye Boateng also a teacher and Sr. Catherine Ofori.  In 1991 -1998 Sr. Catherine Ofori took over as the local Superior and teacher, from 1991-2004 Sr. Catherine was tutor at the Christ the King Catholic Secondary School.  Sr. Beatrice Coffie was also assigned to the community in 1992.

From 1996-2004 Sr. Patience was the local Superior. The Obuasi community at this period was also involved in the production of Altar Bread and in the sewing and designing of school uniforms. Sr. Patience was the vocation directress during this period.  It is worth acknowledging that Sr. Patience initiated and began the Alter Bread Project and Sewing Project in this community. She received as a gift from the Sisters of St. Peter Claver the alter bread baking machines and industrial machines. She was aided by some friends at the mines to build the project house on the convent compound, this gift also enabled her to renovate the entire convent and built a wall around the convent. The Obuasi Sewing Project was primarily sewing secondary school uniforms. One Aunty Awurabena was very instrumental in helping with the right technical knowledge for the take-off of this project.  Sr. Patience initially was aided by the aspirants that were living with her as potential candidates to the congregation. Later Sr. Monica Allegang (of blessed memory) was assigned to be in charge of the project.

Other members of the community were Sr. Theresa Barnie-teacher, Sr. Priscilla Dery (student) who later worked at the Bishop’s office. Also in Obuasi to serve was Sr. Constance Ansong who was given a special apostolate away from the convent but was still a community member: she was assigned to the Bishop’s Residence from 1998 to 2005. She was assisted by Sr. Happiness Osuji from 2000-2002 who was assigned to work as a secretary at the Bishop’s office. Most of the years Sr. Constance dutifully carried out that apostolate single handedly. Sr. Augustina Inkoom was assigned to this community in 2002 as a teacher and in 2004-2007 was the local Superior, and also worked in the Bishop’s office. The following year 2003 Sr. Felicia Zumebome was assigned to the community as the Directress of Postulants. Sr. Paula Bangliobo arrived in the community from (2004-2008), was a student and later a teacher. Sr. Josephine James Kanne was also in residence as a student.

So one of the major decisions of the second Provincial Chapter in 2003 was the decision to establish a pre-novitiate community. And so in light of the Chapter directive, the Provincial Council decided on Obuasi community as the Pre-Novitiate community. Also, Sr. Felicia Zumebome was named as the First Pre-Novice Directress in the Province. Sr. Felicia served diligently from 2003 until 2009 when she handed over briefly to Sr. Gladys Brobbey (2009-2014) in wait for the new Directress to complete training: Sr. Rosemary Tameah (2011-2018). Sr. Rosemary completed and was the Pre-Novice Directress in this community until 2018 when she also went for further studies.

Other Sisters who also served diligently in the community were Vivian Eke (2009-2010), Sr. Theresa Mensa (2009-2011), Sr. Petrina Ton (2011-2012)   Sr. Vida Gbeli Dery (2014-2016), Sr. Emmanualla Dakurah (2015 to 2016) all these Sisters from 2003 onwards were considered the pre-novitiate community members, they either worked at the Sewing Centre and Alter Bread Project or were procurators for the Pre-Novitiate at various times. At the moment the HHCJ have withdrawn from Obuasi. This became necessary because almost all the rooms in the convent were always flooded and part of the house had started to collapse posing a death trap. The postulants who were living there with their Directress have since moved to Sunyani temporarily while awaiting the construction of a Postulantum at a different location in Obuasi. Hopeful to make a re-entry into Obuasi when the Postulatum is completed.


 BEKWAI COMMUNITY                                                                                                                                                             

At this time, we had only three convents in Ghana: Sunyani, Nsoatre and Obuasi, the last two houses could accommodate only two or at most three Sisters comfortably. We were therefore very anxious for expansion due to overcrowding. When the Bishop of Kumasi again invited us to go to Bekwai, we gladly accepted his invitation in 1983, even though this place was not quite favourable. Sr. Gladys Brobbey as the superior went with Sr. Georgina Brenyah. They were both teaching in the St. John the Evangelist school. Among other Sisters, Sr. Janet Kwakye Boateng was assigned there after first vows from 1985 to 1987.  Sr. Margaret Afrifa was also assigned to that community in 1986 on community experience.

By the 1990s Sr. Baptista was the Local Superior of the community. In community with her was Sr. Catherine Ofori. Nevertheless, Sr. Victoria Takyi Nyarko, Sr. Susana Akko, Sr. Roseline Henry Udoh were also assigned to the community as students at different times in residence then. Sr. Beatrice was assigned to the community in 1992-1993. From 1993 Sr. Lucy Dei was the Local Superior of the community and was in community with Sr. Baptista Desbordes both were teachers in the school with Sr. Sarah Asiedu as community procurator and Bursar. Sr. Janet Kwakye and Sr. Augustina Inkoom were posted to the community betwen1994 and 1996 assigned to teach. Sr. Faustina Ganaa and Sr. Geraldine Emenyonu were in the community as students.

By 1999 Sr. Augustina Inkoom was the Local Superior in community with Sr. Agnes Agatha Toku in charge of the women organisation and the provincial project there. The Sisters stayed there doing wonderful apostolic work until 2001 when we left there temporarily because of an unhealthy environment around the Convent. Therefore, the Bekwai Convent was closed down temporarily for health reasons. It was located too close to a public toilet with a refuse dumb attached to it. As the years went by the refuse dump came closer and closer to the Convent and together with the public toilet gave an objectionable odour around the Convent, especially during the night, thus posing a health hazard. As a result of this we moved out temporarily in 2001 with the hope of going back.

In the hope of returning to Bekwai, the HHCJ through Sr. Lucy Dei when she was the Local Superior, had acquired another land at a different location still in Bekwai and had laid the foundation and built to the lintel level. Our hopes were high of returning soon when the new Convent was to be completed. Unknown to the HHCJ family and without express permission from our leadership the Parish Priest either with or without the permission of the Bishop seized the structure of our convent and started a parish school on it.

MMCMW never fought for anything as I said earlier even though she suffered so much abuse and injustice to the point that she left all she labored for and went to her country for others to enjoy. The servant is not greater than the master as Jesus once said before His passion; we the children of MMCMW are continuing to suffer similar fate as our beloved Mother; we don’t fight back and just sit and moan the injuries/injustices done against us. But for how long are we to suffer this mischief, pain and loss in our history. Sisters, should we not fight back following right procedure and claim back all that are rightfully ours, is the time not ripe yet?


In regard of our being driven away from the two communities in the Central Region, the Sisters decided to have a property of their own, where no Bishop would interfere.  And so with their meagre income and some grant, a house was purchased in Kumasi that could also serve as a stopover for the Sisters. (Most Rev. Bishop Sarpong was very instrumental in finding the house that was purchased). Moreover, Kumasi is the centre of activities in Ghana but we had no house there, so we were always faced with great accommodation problems whenever we went there for different purposes. The Handmaids in the Ghana Region, therefore, decided to purchase a house there to forestall the accommodation problems.

With the help of Most Rev. Peter Sarpong, and Rt. Rev. Msgr. Joseph Amoako Adusei, whom he delegated to look for a house for us, we bought a house at Kwadaso Estate, Kumasi. This is the present Madonna House Convent. The space was later developed into a two storey building. Madonna House started in 1986, and from 1986 to 1992 the pioneering community members were Sr. Margaret-Mary Ntrakwah-Diocesan Health coordinator, Sr. Faustina Quayson teacher at Asawase St. Theresa’s Primary, Sr. Agnes Serwaa Gyasi- engaged in Pastoral work and student at the St Hubert Minor Seminary, Sr. Mary Dorothy-Headmistress Asawase, Sr. Lucy Sarfoaa Manu also a student at St. Louis Secondary School and Sr. Janet Kwakye Boateng also student at OLA Training College. Later on Sr. Priscilla Dery and Sr. Dorothy Banyog-enne were also in residence as students. In September 1986 Sr. Mary Pius Andrews, of blessed memory, started teaching in St. Hubert’s Seminary in Kumasi.  She was the first Handmaid to work in that Seminary.

Other Sisters who served in this community include: Sr. Baptista Desbordes teacher/Ecclesiastical Art Dept. from 1999 to 2002, Sr. Patience Quayson (1991-1996), Sr. Margaret Ntrakwah (1986 to 1997), Sr. Theresa Fordjour (1996-2000 and 2008-2010), Sr. Catherine Acquah (1996-1997), Sr. Regina Mate Korley (2000-2003), Sr. Faustina Ganaa (2000-2003), Sr. Catherine Ofori (2004-2008 and 2018-2022), Sr. Helen Amusu (2008-2009), Sr. Loretta ovwigho- Project bursar, Sr. Agatha Kamara and Sr. Bernadette Moseray who were in residence as Sister students from1999-2001. And Sr. Veronica Thompson Quainoo-student in Polytechnic.

The beginning of Madonna Ecclesiastical Sewing Department was in March between 1995 and 1996. The now Archbishop Kwofie CSSP provided the initial capital to start the sewing centre. Sr. Faustina Quayson initiated and started the sewing center and was the in-charge of the Sewing Center with a postulant Eugenia Mansa Mensah and Sr. Elizabeth Agyeiwaa who was assigned to the center a year before Sr. Faustina left to the USA for studies. Six months later Sr. Patience Quayson who was also in this community doing pastoral care at the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital at the time, made arrangements for Sr. Elizabeth Agyeiwa to join Sr. Faustina in Missouri USA to understudy and learn from the Precious Blood Sisters who were into sewing.

Sr. Theresa Fordjour and Sr. Regina Mate Korley, were all assigned to and managed the sewing center at various times. More recently from 2003 to 2015 Sr. Eugenia Mansa Mensah was the manageress of Ecclesiastical Art Dept. Sr. Petrina who was assigned to the community since 2013 as the project bursar, is presently the manageress of the Ecclesiastical Art. Dept. supported by Sr. Theresa Mensah (2012- student internship, assigned from 2015-2022), and Sr. Dominica Kotie (2021-2022) with Sr. Catherine Ofori as the project Bursar. The Ecclesiastical Art Dept. is presently supported by a staff strength of six.

Apart from the main apostolate in this convent the sewing of top class Ecclesiastical/Liturgical products from the Madonna Ecclesiastical Art Department and the parish ministry, many other Sister-teachers have also ministered here in different schools and in different capacities. For instance, Sr. Faustina Ethel Ganaa served at the St. Leo International School as the Headmistress for some years with Sr. Baptista Desbordes as teacher and Sr. Angela Zaghe as the school Accountant. But for some reasons we could not continue that apostolate.

Another school we ministered in this community was the Christian Mother’s school at Dichemso known as the Ave Maria School. Sr. Theresa Afia started the Ave Maria school project. She was later joined by Sr. Christiana Ifeabunike in 2001.  From 2003 Sr. Regina Asante and Sr. Happiness Osuji were assigned. Then 2004 Sr. Afia was the first Headmistress with Sr. Agnes Ackah-Mensah in residence as a student. From 2006 -2007 Sr. Cornelia Darimani was the next Headmistress till she went on mission. This was when Sr. Catherine Ofori came into the scene in January 2008 and was assigned as Headmistress of the Ave Maria Preparatory School with Sr. Theresa Barnie as the Assistant Headmistress. We toiled so much in these two schools mentioned and in the end it was all in vain. May God help us not to forget the lessons of these failures and the grace to stand up to future issues of the sort. Amen.

Additionally, some other Ancilla projects started by the Province in this community in the past seem now to be permanently closed down. One of them is the Ancilla Gifts and Bookstore which was started by Sr. Christina Chika Ifeabunike in 2002 to 2005. She handed over to Sr. Vivian Eke in 2005. Much later Sr. Vivian also handed over to Sr. Faustina Bemah and for some reasons the shop has been closed down for many years now. The other project is the Ancilla Printing Press which was started in 2014 by Sr. Faustina Quayson and it operated till 2018 and was closed down. The is that, after Sr. Faustina returned to the USA, Sr. Cecilia took over the running of the Press with so many challenges. The last person to handle the press before its collapse was Sr. Catherine Acquah. Sr. Martina Edet and Sr. Beatrice Coffie also worked in the press at a point in time. All is not lost as long as we have life, there is always hope.

We have also another very important apostolate being carried out in this community efficiently by Sr. Constance Ansong since 2009 when she was assigned to the community. Sister is the Matron and Manageress of operations at the Christian Village Guest House and has recently completed her degree programme and has come back to continue in the same vim. Additionally, Sr. Bernadette Honny upon her return from sabbatical in Rome in the year 2012, Sister was appointed by the Major Superiors Conference as a Counsellor at the National Counseling Centre, located in Kumasi at the Christian Village.

Some other Sisters who also lived in this community at various times include: Sr. Christina Akweoso worked here briefly before her mission to Germany as project bursar 2002-2005.  Sr. Bertha Frimpong from August 2009 to July 2013 was in residence as a Sister student at the Winneba campus and completed her National Service in the same university in 2014. More other Sisters who have also served here in various capacities include: Sr. Nelly Chepchumba Malakween as project bursar from 2007 -2008, Sr. Ernestina Serwaa Yeboah from 2009-2012 as project bursar, Sr. Cecilia Bosomtwi 2012-2013 Assistant Administrator-Ecclesiastical Art Dept. Sr. Mary Amoako-student (2004-2005), Sr. Lucy Yeltule Dery (2021-2022), Sr. Felicia Zumebome (2021-2022), Sr. Marie Goretti Amelewo (2021-2022) and Sr. Dominica Kotie (2021-2022).


In Kumasi we now have an annex where the Ancilla Prep/JHS was founded and initiated by Sr. Catherine Ofori and has been started by Sr. Lucy Sarfoaa Manu since 2019. She was accompanied by a postulant, Sheila Adombire as a community member. The Sisters arrived at the premises of the school on the 7th of October 2019. Few days after they arrived they started the registration for the 2019/2020 academic year. They started with 12 pupils into the nursery. Currently the school is up to KG 1 with a total population of about 47 pupils with a staff strength of 6 teachers.



Agroyesum is a typical rural village with a Catholic Hospital. The hospital did not have enough health workers because of its very poor road network. Most Rev. Peter Sarpong, the Bishop of Kumasi, requested for some of our nursing Sisters to work in this hospital. Two Sisters, Sr. Jean Francis Dabuoh a nurse/midwife and Sr. Patience Quayson were sent to work there in 1983. On the 16th June, 1983 Sr. Marie Jean Dabuo arrived first in Agroyesum to minister in the St Martins Hospital. She was welcomed by the hospital administrator Miss Greejte Wanja and the Hospital Matron Mrs C. O. Mensah. Sr. was warmly welcomed by the Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Mahoney Brien. One of the first things Sr. Jean undertook was to immediately begin the Association of Catholic Women in the parish and the Children of Mary Group on the 22nd August 1983. The hospital was officially handed over to Sister on 13th September, 1983. She was the new Hospital Administrator. The Vicar General of the diocese, Very Rev. Fr. Amoako Adusei and other Priests and health officials were present at the handing over ceremony. Two days after the handing over Sr. Patience Quayson joined Sr. Jean in the community as the Vocation Directress but also helped out at the hospital as the hospital Secretary.

Additionally, the Sisters initiated and started a Day Care/ Preparatory School for mainly the wards of the hospital staff on the hospital premises. Sr. Lucy Dei (1990-1992) was the founder and later Sr. Mary Pius took over and was also the Local Superior (from 1990-1994). Sr. Gladys Brobbey took over the running of the school (1994-1995) after Sr. Pius was transferred. Some other Sisters also managed and taught in the school until the school was absorbed by the government. Sr. Catherine Acquah was assigned to this community from 1992-1993 as well as Sr. Theresa Fordjour who also served in this community for some years. The community for some years accommodated some postulants who were assigned temporarily to stay with the Sisters are now: Sr. Margaret Afrifa, Sr. Margaret Taah (of blessed memory) and Sr. Ignatia Safoaa Buaben.

 Other Sister nurses/Midwives Sr. Mary Paulina Prah (from 1990-2008) and Sr. Angela Kyera Manu were assigned to the community (from 1990-2022). Sr. Mary Prah took over as Local Superior (1994-1997) from Sr. Pius. Sr. Roseline Henry Udoh was also assigned to the community as an auxiliary nurse (1994-1995) and from (1995-2000) Sr. Roseline was in residence as a nurse student, in 2001 she completed her studies and was assigned to serve in the St. Martins hospital as a nurse, she served here until 2004. Sr. Hellen Amusu was assigned to the community in 1997 as a nurse/Midwife and was the Local Superior (1999- 2002). In 2000 Sr. Deborah Iheoma Onuoha was assigned to the community on pastoral duties. Sr. Angela Kyera Manu was Local Superior (2002-2003) after Sr. Helen was transferred. 2003-2004 the Local Superior was Sr. Roseline Udoh.

As from 2001 more Sister nurses were assigned to the community these included Sr. Jacinta Kuudamnuuru (2001-2005), Sr. Helen Amusu was re-assigned to the community in 2003, Sr. Mary Assumpta Taabazuing (from 2004-2022) as a nurse/Midwife. Sr. Mary Agyeiwa (from 2004-2022) to the community as a nurse/Midwife. In 2007-2008 Sr. Mary Gyamfuah was in residence as a student in the community. Also in 2012 two young nurses were assigned to the community, Sr. Christina Akweoso (2012-2014) and Sr. Ernestina Serwaa Yeboah (2012-2022). From 2006-2010 the Local Superior was Sr. Mary Agyeiwa. Sr. Assumpta took over from 2011-2014 as Local superior. In the year 2016-2017 Sr. Stella Egbu was in residence in the community as a student. From 2014 -2018 onwards Sr. Angela Kyera was the Local Superior.

At the commencement of this community, the Sisters were housed in one of the hospital quarters and later in 1982 the Sisters sourced for funds and started constructing our present convent. By 2002 the Sisters had finished building the convent and moved in.  It is worth acknowledging that the hospital management supported the Sisters financially to roof our convent. One of the doctors at the hospital personally bought six beds to furnish the rooms. Additionally, through the efforts of Sr. Mary Paulina Pray, the community wrote project proposals to a funding agency and obtained money to extend the convent building with four additional rooms and a sitting room. This was necessary in order to accommodate the aspirants who were living with the Sisters and those who visited the convent. This was because Sr. Mary Prah was the Aspirant Mistress of the Province in addition to her duties at the hospital as nurse Midwife/Public Health nurse. This extension is still being utilized over the years to house some nurses who sought accommodation and also the Sisters community cook usually lives there when they employ such services.

This community is located in the Amansie West District of the Ashanti Region but it is also situated in the Obuasi diocese. The community is the only Women Religious Congregation in the district. Despite various challenges and inconveniences, the Sisters are doing wonderfully well. The Sisters in this community are mostly nurses who are specialized in one area of nursing or the other. Currently we have serving in the hospital nurse/midwives, an Ophthalmic nurse – Sr. Angela Kyera Manu, from 1999-2000 Sr. Mary Prah was the Acting Matron of the hospital/Public Health Nurse and presently the Hospital Matron/Administrator is Sr. Mary Assumpta Taabazuing and also the Local Superior of the community.



Most Rev. Peter Sarpong again invited the Handmaids to minister in Konongo. This was before it became Konongo-Mampong Diocese. Initially, the Parishioners wanted a clinic or a hospital to be opened there but because of the fact that there were already a number of health facilities in the town, the Sisters instead decided to open a vocational school in Konongo. Sisters Margaret Mary Ntrakwah, the then Regional Superior, Agnes Agatha Toku and Felicia Zumebome began the community in Konongo in 1985. The Our Lady’s Adult Educational Complex (OLAEC) was started in 1985. It was initiated by Sr. Margaret Mary Ntrakwah. The school was begun temporarily in the convent building. The school block was completed quite soon and the students moved in there. It was initially a non-formal educational centre which offered various skills. Sr. Faustina Quayson was also among the pioneer Konongo community members from 1985 to 1986 and she taught at the St. Gabriel Middle school and also taught Needle work at OLAEC with Sr. Agnes Agatha Toku as Home Management teacher and in-charge of the community Poultry farm, Sr. Margaret Ntrakwah as Home Science teacher in the school, Sr. Felicia Zumebome was engaged in Pastoral work until she went to school. As the years went by, OLAEC was upgraded to a formal institution and registered with the NVTI. Sr. Constance Ansong was the first Headmistress.

Sr. Scholastica Yiripare took over from Sr. Constance as Headmistress of the school from 1988-1992. From 1990-1994 Sr. Gladys Brobbey was the Local Superior of the community. Sr. Victoria Takyi Nyarko, Sr. Faustina Dartey and Sr. Regina Mate Korley were teachers at OLAEC, Sr. Helen Amusu, Sr. Francisca Akomea (of blessed memory) and Sr. Angela Zaghe, Sr. Rosemond Fiadjoe and Sr. Susana Akko were in residence at different periods as students. From 1994-1995, Sr. Baptista was a teacher and the Local Superior. Sr. Victoria took over from Sr. Baptista as Local Superior (from 1995-2000) and from Sr. Scholastica as Headmistress of OLAEC. From 1995 the following were assigned to the community as teachers, Sr. Susana Akko, and Sr. Catherine Danso Sefah. From 2000-2005 Sr. Susana Akko took over as Headmistress of OLAEC and also as Local Superior. She was in community with other Sister teachers at the school, Sr. Gladys Brobbey, Theresa Fordjour and Sr. Angela Zaghe.

 The curriculum of the school included dressmaking, cookery, hairdressing, crocheting, Religious Studies, English Language, Mathematics and so on. The aim of the Institute was to train both the youth and adults to acquire skills that would help them earn a living and also to inculcate in them acceptable social and moral values so that they can utilize their potentials fully for their own benefit and all humanity. However, this vocational school was not patronized by the Konongo people, so it was decided by Most Rev. Joseph Osei Bonsu, Bishop of Konongo- Mampong and the Parishners of Konongo to convert it to a Senior High School in 2008 without prior consultation with the HHCJ Sisters who have been running the School. In 2006 Sr. Bridget Mwingyine was assigned to the community as the Headmistress of OLAEC and also a teacher at the Ancilla Junior High school JHS. Sr. Bridget was at the spot and was not consulted or notified FORMALLY about this diversion.

And so for reasons unknown, the Handmaids are no more running this school at this level. This is another setback for the HHCJ. We wrote for the grant to begin and build this school yet we have been set aside in its progress. We have labored since its inception to make it what it was before the Konongo-Mampong diocese seized it from us without express consent or permission. Should we not be compensated somewhat for our toil?

The Ancilla Junior High school, is another school started by the Handmaids; by Sr. Susana Akko in September, 2001, but absorbed by the government even though it bears our name. Sr. Bridget Mwingyine has been teaching in the school since she reported in 2006 and is the present in-charge after Sr. Susana was transferred. Sr. Edith was also assigned to this community. After Sr. Edith Kuupan had finished her scholastic course in Eriam, Nigeria she was asked to learn how to knit cardigans in the Calabar Knitting Centre. When she finished her course from February 2008, she was posted to Konongo and she was knitting cardigans for schools and the Sisters to buy. This was an apostolate Sr. Edith faithfully carried out from 2008-2018 when she was transferred to Sunyani Sewing Centre.  Also in 2008 Sr. Catherine Ofori was assigned to this community on pastoral ministry. She also helped out in the Ancilla knitting project run by Sr. Edith. Sr. Happiness Osuji was in residence in this community as a Sister student from 2007-2011when she completed her studies. Through the permission and support of the parish priest of Konongo, a marriage counselling centre was initiated and established by Sr. Happiness. This counseling centre was highly patronized and all the Sisters participated in the marriage counseling.

In 2021 two Sisters were transferred to join the community, Sr. Catherine Acquah and Sr. Eugenia Mansa Mensah. Both Sisters are engaged in pastoral and social ministry. Sr. Bridget is at present a student at the Winneba campus in Kumasi. Sr. Vida Gbeli Dery was posted to this community in 2017 as student. After her studies in the Catholic University she has completed her national service and have returned for further studies and is still in residence as a Sister Student.



 FUNSI COMMUNITY – (WA DIOCESE)                                                                                                                                                                      

It is important to acknowledge the fact that our invitation to Wa diocese by the then Bishop was as a result of the grounds that were already prepared by Sr. Patience Quayson on her maiden vocation rally to the region and diocese prior to our invitation by the Bishop. At this time in the congregation we had only two Sisters from the North and these Sisters lived in the south of Ghana with their parents: Sr. Jean Frances Dabuo and Sr. Felicia Zumebome, hence the need to reach out to the ladies in the north of Ghana. On this journey Sr. Jean Frances Dabuo volunteered to travel with Sr. Patience to Wa since it was her first time going there and also because of culture and language differences. It was a very tedious journey. Back then the roads were awful. They arrived first at the Wa cathedral and had a warm welcome.

Finally, they met with the Bishop of Wa and his Vicar Very Rev. Fr. Song (of blessed memory). Year???????…According to Sr. Patience, the Bishop’s first comment took her aback when he remarked that “You southerners look down on us and now you come here to look for vocations”. Nevertheless, he promised to build a convent for us if even just three of the girls joined the congregation from that vocation rally. This then became a bet, and so when Sr. Patience had admitted up to five girls into the congregation from the Upper West Region, she reminded the Bishop about his promise. This was the prelude to our being invited to the diocese. This is important to acknowledge, as a reminder that we need to ignite again this kind of fire in our vocation rallies to other dioceses where we are not represented.

And so in fulfilment of his promise in 1986, the Bishop of Wa, Most Rev. Gregory Kpiebaya invited the Handmaids to his Diocese. Sr. Jean Frances Dabuoh, the first indigenous Handmaid from that Diocese, was sent to Wa to work at the Wanye Retreat Centre in 1986, to both understudy and supervise the Convent/clinic building started at Funsi. In addition to that she at first joined the health personnel who operated the mobile clinic in Lassia Tuolu at the time for orientation.

While Sr. Jean Frances was engaged in a way while waiting in Wa, two second year novices on probation were assigned to Funsi and had already reported: Sr. Mary Assumta Tabazuing and Sr. Jacinta Kuudamnuru. They arrived in 1988, the convent building was not ready so they stayed at the mission house (thanks to the Missionaries of Africa who were in that parish at the time) till December. So in December 1988 the convent was complete and ready and by this time Sr. Jean Frances and Sr. Mary Joyce Agyeiwaa arrived to join the two novices and they packed into the new convent. Sr. Jean Frances Dabuoh was their local superior, Sr. Jean Frances and Sr. Mary Joyce were nurses. They took charge of the St. John’s clinic. The two novices Mary Assumpta Taabazuing and Jacinta Kuudamnuru were acting as ward assistants. After they were professed the two novices eventually trained as nurses and returned to serve at this clinic at different times. Sr. Assumpta even while in nursing training was still in residence at Funsi and served there for a very long time.

Meanwhile to welcome the Sisters a grand durbar was organized in their honour to introduce and entertain them. The Sisters were carried from village to village throughout the Parish to introduce the Sisters and create awareness of their presence in the parish. On these rounds, the Sisters began a mobile clinic operation. They educated the indigenes giving health talks they also used the opportunity to evangelize the people who were mostly pagans/traditional worshippers.  Many more nurses were sent later: Sr. Helen Amusu (1990-1991) Sr. Veronica Balara (1993-1994) and in residence as a student from (2003-2004), as well as Sr. Roseline Henry Udoh (2004-2005) and Sr. Mary Gyamfuah (2004-2005). The Sisters were working very hard to upgrade the clinic into a district hospital. But for our untimely withdrawal from Funsi, plans were far advanced to achieving this objective.

Along the Sister nurses there were also Sister teachers who taught and run the St. John R/C Primary/JHS: Sr. Felicia Zumebome (1990-1998) Sr. Lucy Sarfoaa Manu (1994-1996) Sr. Regina Asante (1999-2000) Sr. Dorothy Mama (of blessed memory), Sr. Joan Donkpiire (2004-2005) and Sr. Rose Naatu (2006-2007). At the time of withdrawal Sr. Rose was the certified Headmistress of the St. John R/C Primary/JHS. The Sisters served out their hearts in this mission even postulants. Sr. Lucy Yeltule Dery and Sr. Margaret Yamoah from 1996 to 1997 also taught briefly at this school as postulants then. For some weighty reasons the Handmaids have withdrawn our services from Funsi at the beginning of the year 2015. The few Sisters in the community were relocated elsewhere.

WA COMMUNITY                                                                                                                                                                                      

Again in 1991, Most Rev. Gregory Kpiebaya, the Bishop of Wa, invited the Handmaids to work in Wa town. Sisters Monica Otoo, Josephine Agboso and Vida Kuukaa, were sent to this mission. Sister Monica was the Local Superior on this mission, she worked in the Diocesan Secretariat as personal secretary to the Bishop while Sr. Josephine worked as an accountant in the Diocesan Development Office.  Sr. Vida Kuukaa, taught in the St. Andrew’s St Andrews R/C Primary/JHS, Wa. The Sisters were accommodated temporarily at Maria Yiri before they relocated to the Old Wanye Retreat Centre after the new center was built at a different location. 

Subsequently, Sr. Monica left for studies and was succeeded at the Bishop’s office by Sr. Veronica Thompson as personal secretary. Sr. Angela Zaghe also replaced Sr. Josephine (who was sent for ICF programme) at the Development office. When Sr. Vida was transferred Sr. Theresa Sarfo Pomaa replaced her at the St. Andrew’s St Andrews R/C Primary/JHS from1995 to 2010. Sr. Monica Otoo left for the USA and Sr. Veronica Thompson-Quainoo replaced her as secretary to the Wa Bishop. In the year 2000 in addition to her apostolate, Sr. Theresa Sarfo was made the Vocation Directress of the Province.

From 2003 -2004, Sr. Monica Allegyang and Sr. Rose Naatu were assigned to the Wa community. Sr. Rose was to teach at the St Andrews R/C Primary/JHS and Sr. Monica was the In-charge of the Provincial project. In 2006 Sr. Joan Donkpiire was also assigned to teach at the St Andrews R/C Primary/JHS.  Sr. Jean Frances Dabuo was assigned to the community on pastoral ministry after her retirement from active service in 2007.

Sr. Monica Otoo returned home from studies in 2009 and was re-assigned to the Wa community. Sr. Monica started Ancilla Prep/JHS gradually within the convent premises while the school building was being constructed at a different location within the Wa township. The school was started in the Convent premise as a Day Care and Kindergarten in 2010. A plot of land was acquired earlier on and Sr. Monica gradually put up the School building while operating little by little in the convent premises. At present, the school has already written the BECE this year with distinction. Sr. Monica Otoo is the Founder and the current Headmistress of the school.  Sr. Sabina Daanoba was assigned to assist her and is the school bursar and procurator of the school. Sr. Sheila Adombire was assigned to the Ancilla school in 2021.

Additionally, between 2012 and 2014, Sr. Emmanuela Umohata Idara-Obong, Sr. Immaculata Egwim, Sr. Blessing Luigi Abang and Sr. Martina Felix Edet were assigned at different times to teach in the Ancilla Prep/JHS. Sr. Martina was the school bursar the rest were teachers. Sr. Dorothy Banyog-enne and Sr. Dominica Kotie were assigned to the community in 2017. Sr. Dominica was to be the In-charge of the boarding Hostel of the Ancilla Prep/JHS. Sr. Dorothy was assigned to the Ghana Health Service as a Secretary at the Wa hospital.

In 2018, the diocese invited the HHCJ Sisters to run a catholic school within Wa township. This school is the Star of God Catholic School. The Provincial Superior and Council appointed Sr. Joan Donkpiire as the Headmistress of this school.

LASIA TUOLU COMMUNITY                                                                                                                                                                 

The Bishop of Wa, Most Rev. Gregory Kpiebaya, invited the Handmaids again to manage the St. Ignatius Prep/JHS in Lasia Tuolu. In 1992 Sr. Scholastica Yiripare as the superior was sent with Sr. Christina Doggu to this mission, both Sisters were teaching at the JHS department. By 1994 the two Sisters were later joined by Srs Vida Kuukaa, Gertrude Aham, Sr. Agatha Kamara and Sr. Dorothy Omegbu as teachers at the Primary level at different times.

Years later, they were joined by Sister nurses at different times: Sr. Veronica Baalara (1995-1996, 1999-2000, 2017-2022), Sr. Jean Frances Dabuo (1997-2005), Sr. Jacinta Kuudamnuuru (2006-2009), Sr. Helen Amuzu (2012-2022), Sr. Roseline Udoh (2014-2016) and Sr. Mary Gyamfuah (2014-2016) who all worked at the St. Ignatius Clinic. Sr. Margaret Yamoah taught at the St. Ignatius Prep/JHS from 2000 to 2004.This is a place of primary evangelization so the task for the Sisters has been enormous. From 2004 to 2008 Sr. Lucy Dery also taught at the Lasia Tuolu Senior High School. Sr. Rosemary Tameah (2007-2008) also did her National Service in this Secondary School.

In 2012-2016 Sr. Jean Frances Dabuo was re-assigned to Lassia Tuolu together with Sr. Helen Amusu to serve at the Clinic. Sr. Dorothy Banyog-enne was assigned along with them to this community at the same time to also work at the clinic as a secretary. In 2011-2012 Sr. Jacinta Aiyetutu Attari served at the clinic. Sr. Judith Puoza (in 2017) and Sr. Juliana Pelbe (in 2019) were assigned to this community in residence as students when they returned from mission in Nigeria. Sr. Judith has completed school and her national service and has been assigned as a Community Health Nurse at the St. Ignatius Clinic and Sr. Julie is still in residence.

Sr. Schastica Yiripare and the community adopted a set of twins whose mother died giving birth to them: Anna and Maria. Unfortunately, after some weeks Anna died leaving Maria. Even though the Sisters actively took turns to nurse this child, this was not easy combined with their apostolate. Therefore, they contracted a woman to nurse Maria. When she was a little grown, Sr. Scholastica Yiripare’s family adopted and cared for her. Today Maria Has finished SHS and will soon enter the Tertiary level of education. The Sisters mothered many other children and sponsored their education who today hold responsible positions of work. One of these children is Rev. Father Bala Jude Adama missioned to Rome. This is the elder brother of Maria. Maria is also now at the Berekum Nursing Training College. The legacy of our Mother Foundress lives on.



  In 1990, the Bishop of Sunyani, Most Rev. James Owusu, invited the Handmaids to Nkoranza, a rural village to work in the St. Theresa’s Hospital. Two Sisters, Ignatia Buaben and Anna Twumasi, were sent to work there. Sr. Elizabeth Agyeiwaa, a teacher, joined the community later and was teaching in the St. Theresa’s Catholic Basic School. The Handmaids are still working in the St. Theresa’s Hospital and performing very well. Nkoransa community is one of the old communities which was started in October 1990. The community has always been a community of nurses serving the St Theresa’s Hospital owned by the Techiman Diocese. In later years other Sisters served as the hospital Administrators, teachers and also at the hospital secretarial office and accounts office. It has been under the Sunyani Diocese until the Techiman Diocese was carved out in 2007. The convent is located inside the hospital premises in one of the quarters.  At its inception, the community was attached to the community in Sunyani for some time before Sr. Agnes Rose Kutsin was officially assigned as superior of the community and a nurse at the St. Theresa’s Hospital.

Between 1992-1998 more Sisters were sent to this community who include Sr. Jean Frances Dabuo as a nurse at the clinic, Sr. Cecilia Nkansah Boadu served for some years at the hospital in the accounts office, Sr. Catherine Acquah served as a clerk and bursar at the hospital, Sr. Veronica Balara and Sr. Theresa Afia, Agnes Serwaa Gyasi, Sr. Beatrice Coffie and Sr. Jacinta Kuudamnuuru were in residence as students at different times. Sr. Bernadette Moseray from 1995-1998 served in this community too at the communication office of the St. Theresa’s hospital. Sr. Georgina Brenya served here at the hospital from as a nurse from 1997 to 1998 and Sr. Jacinta Kuudamnuuru-Nurse (1998-1999).

From 1999 more Sisters served here mostly as nurses. these include: Sr. Mary Agyeiwa and Sr. Margaret Afrifa. Sr. Dorothy Banyog-enne was a secretary at the St. Theresa’s Hospital. In 2004 Sr. Veronica Balara returned to the hospital as a Medical Assistant. In 2006 Sr. Catherine Danso Sefah was in residence as a student. By 2007 Sr. Theresa Afia had completed her studies and had assumed the role to serve as the St. Theresa’s Hospital Administrator. In 2012 Sr. Bibian Onyekaonwu was in residence as a student. Sr. Vivian Eke was also assigned to the community and served in the hospital. From 2014 to 2015 Sr. Lucy Yeltule Dery was in residence as a student. In 2017 Sr. Mary Gyamfuah was assigned to the St. Theresa’s Hospital as a nurse/Midwife and in 2018 Sr. Charlotte was in residence as a student, she has completed her studies and is doing her national service as a nurse.

The primary apostolate of the Sisters here currently is mostly medical but they also engage in active pastoral work at the parish.


Sr. Veronica Fosua Adu (of blessed memory) and Sr. Catherine Acquah were sent to open a community in Techiman on 26th October, 2006. The Sisters came to begin the first Diocesan Girls SHS School in Techiman Municipality at the request of his Lordship Mathew Kwasi Gyamfi, Bishop of Sunyani Diocese. This was before the Techiman Diocese was created out of Sunyani Diocese.  Sr. Veronica of blessed memory was the First Headmistress, a few years after that, Sr. Susana Akko joined the community as a tutor and the Matron of the school. The Sisters started the ‘’Our Lady of Mount Carmel Girls Senior High School at the premises of the St. Paul’s Technical Institute which had been closed down by that time. Sr. Veronica was the headmistress of this school while Sr. Catherine was a teacher. When the Sisters moved to Techiman to begin the community they were living in a rented apartment. When Sr. Veronica later became ill and could not work anymore she was replaced by Sr. Christiana Chika Ifeabunike as the headmistress to the present. Sr. Christiana Chika Ifeabunike succeeded Sr. Veronica as the second headmistress from 2009 to date.

 For a long time when the Sisters arrived they were residing in a house rented by the then Sunyani diocese through the support of the St. Paul’s Parish Priest and assistant, Rev. Fr. John Boakye Gyan and Rev. Peter Yeboah who also furnished the house and made it habitable for the Sisters to begin their mission. When Techiman became a diocese, the new Bishop Most Rev. Dominic Yeboah Nyarko in order to avoid the high cost of rent and other concerns, took the bold initiative to build the present convent on the school compound. But the funds to begin the building were not forth coming. The Headmistress of the school at the time Sr. Chika decided to solicit funds elsewhere with the help and consent of the Bishop. She wrote project proposals to three different funding agencies provided by the Bishop.

Two of these agencies responded positively: Erzbibtum Koln and Missionary Sisters of Peter Claver with 15,000euros and 10,000 euros respectively. These served as the seed money to begin the convent up to the lentil level in 2012. One of the Priests of the Techiman diocese who served as the school chaplain from 2009 to 2011 and who was then resident in the USA offered some financial assistance through the diocese to roof the convent. A woman from Boyem-Techiman and family, Madam Gladys Adusie donated the wood needed for roofing. At this roofed level the diocese came in to our aid with support from Missio, an amount of 40,000 pounds to complete and furnish the convent.

While other finishing works were still on-going, on March 22, 2015 the pioneering community members of this new convent, Sisters Susana Akko, and Christiana Chika Ifeabunike formally moved into residence in the new convent on the school compound. Education is an indispensable tool for evangelization, hence the Sisters worked very hard over the years not only to impact academic knowledge but also to inculcate in their students good Christian values/the fundamentals of a good Christian life and the Catholic doctrine. Sr. Joyce Baabereyiri is the current Assistant Headmistress of the school with Sr. Veronica Thomson as community superior. Sr. Emmanuella was in residence in the community as a Sister student. Sr. Belinda Bawa is currently resident in the community also as a Sister student at the Catholic University.


ATEBUBU COMMUNITY                                                                                                                                                                       

Sr. Helen Amuzu, a nurse/midwife, accompanied Most Rev. James Kwadwo Owusu to Atebubu on his pastoral visit there. A pregnant woman at Mass who was suddenly taken into labour pains was delivered safely by Sr. Helen. This incident made such a big impression on the Bishop, that he invited the Handmaids to run the Charles Walker’s Clinic/ mobile Clinic as well as its surrounding villages with the main Clinic being based in Atebubu. The Charles Walker’s Clinic was opened in 1984. The Sisters who began the community were Sr. Hellen Amuzu and Sr. Georgina Brenya. This clinic was later closed down due to the presence of a Government Hospital which shared a common boundary with them.

The actual problem was that; the hospital had been refurbished with a resident medical doctor thus retarding the attendance to our clinic drastically. The Handmaids however had acquired a piece of land at a different location in Atebubu for a clinic of their own in the future. This land was acquired by Sr. Georgina Brenya in 1996. So in 1996 through the support of the then Parish Priest: Rev. Fr. Asare Bediako (of blessed memory) Sr. Georgina acquired this piece of land for the Province. Sr. Georgina again in the same year solicited for funds to begin the construction of the convent. Through the help and generousity of the J.M.J Sisters who donated some money for the foundation of the convent to be raised. They offered 20, 000 dollars to Sr. Georgina and the construction began immediately. Unfortunately, Sr. Georgina had an impromptu admission for further studies so she handed over the remaining money to Sr. Margaret Afrifa to continue the supervision of the construction of the convent foundation which was on-going. We are very grateful for the kindness of the J.M.J Sisters. We would continue to remember them in our prayers. The said construction was up to an appreciable level and was continued and roofed by Sr. Ignatia Safoaa Buaben.

When the clinic was closed down the HHCJ Sisters were sent to work in the Jesus Mary and Joseph (J.M.J.) Sisters Hospital at Yeji but they stopped working there after a few years. At that point there was a temporary withdrawal from Atebubu. Nevertheless, before Sr. Ignatia Buaben left for further studies in Germany in 2003, the Handmaids while still planning what to do with their land in Atebubu, made a fresh entry into Atebubu to run a Girls Hostel. This community started on 7th January 2003 with Sr. Ignatia Sarfoaa Buabeng and Sr. Happiness Osuji. They were soon joined by Sr. Beatrice Coffie.

The Sisters of Jesus, Mary and Joseph (J.M.J) who had already settled in the area very close to our plot gave a temporary accommodation to the Sisters at their Guest House for six months until on the 29th of July 2003. The Sisters of Jesus, Mary and Joseph (J.M.J) who had already started a Preparatory/JHS in Atebubu; were asked by the District to build a boarding facility to carter for the girls in their school. The District Administration at Atebubu believed that it would help in the progress of their District. The J.M.J Sisters refused because they were not interested in the running of a Hostel as an apostolate.

The HHCJ Sisters were approached by the JMJ Sisters if they would accept building a hostel as a boarding facility to carter for the girls at their school. And so, our Sisters agreed to run a Hostel for the basic school children. Consequently, the District Administration at Atebubu put up the building of the Hostel for us to run. The structure of the hostel was ready but the convent was not yet in place. The Sisters moved into a section of the hostel where they stayed temporarily until they were able to build a convent.

The greatest challenge they faced was that there was no proper road to the hostel, no electricity and no water. On the 29th of July 2003 a road was constructed to the hostel.  They were without electricity and water for a long time. Initially the Atebubu Water Company was supplying water to the hostel once in a while. The World Vision Company were supportive in constructing the culvert leading to the convent and also from time to time supplied water to the hostel in times of shortage.  Sr. Happiness Osuji was the first Hostel Mistress, from 2003-2007; under various challenges she persevered to sustain and make this project a success. She toiled very hard to get the hostel running especially, to create a road to the hostel and secure electricity at the hostel. She dug a well to minimize the water problem.

 From 2007-2010 Sr. Joyce Baabereyiri came into the scene as the second Hostel Mistress. She continued the good work of Sr. Happiness. At this time the number of the children had increased and the Water Company had cut off constant supply of water to the hostel, it was difficult to get water for the needs of the children and especially, to prepare their meals. Sr. Joyce worked very hard to drill a borehole at the hostel to have constant supply of water for the children. She wrote a project and got a bus for the hostel. Sr. Nelly Malakween was the next in-charge of the hostel from 2010 to 2014. Sr. Joyce returned to take charge of the hostel after she finished her University degree from 2014-2019. All this while they were still perching at the children’s hostel because the convent was still not ready to move in.

As mentioned earlier, after Sr. Ignatia roofed the convent but after that work had come to a halt. Sr. Happiness got the district to provide the electric poles to extend electricity to the convent. Additionally, she wrote several projects, and the diocese was very supportive upon Sr. Happiness’s appeals to them and other individuals for financial support to continue the work at the convent. The funds realized was channeled into getting a few rooms ready according to the number of Sisters present, the parlour and the chapel at the time. This was the stage Sr. Joyce met. So Sr. Joyce also began bit by bit to finance what was left to be done to make the convent livable through the community’s meagre income. This reached a level whereby even though not complete the Sisters could move in while work was still going on bit by bit. Not all the rooms are furnished but the Sisters were managing well at that stage.

Other Sisters and nurses who have lived in the community at different times are: Sr. Mary Agyeiwaa-Nurse (1990-1991), Sr. Christina Doggu (1991-1992), Sr. Lucy Sarfoaa-student (1992-1993), Sr. Beatrice Coffie-Nurse (1993-1994), Sr. Theresa Afia-student (1994-1995), Sr. Judith Magbity (1995-2000). The Atebubu community members between 2003 to 2015 were Sr. Ignatia Safoaa Buaben, Sr. Beatrice Coffie, Margaret-Mary Happiness Osuji, Sr. Margaret Yamoah (2004 to 2005) in residence as a student, Sr. Nelly Chepchumba Malakwen (2011-2015), Sr. Christina Akweoso Sr. Mary Gyamfuah (2006-2007), Sr. Dorothy Egim (2006-2008), Sr. Vida Gbeli Dery (2009-2011, 2013-2014) as hostel bursar and Sr. Naomi Addai Obour (2017-2018).

In 2016 when Sr. Josephine Agboso was assigned as a community member she equally worked very hard to complete the rest of the work needed to be done to complete the convent and make it livable. Sr. Josephine is a social worker at the Health Director, Ejura-sekyedumasi, as a health Educator and Promotor Officer since 2016.  After Sr. Joyce left the community Sr. Peace Kuyaka who was already the matron of the hostel took over as the hostel mistress as well. Presently the hostel has been closed now pending further decisions as to the way forward.

After working so hard over the years as Provincial Superior and now as the immediate past Provincial Superior, Sr. Ignatia was re-assigned to this community where she served in the past for several years. Sr. Ignatia is back to the community with an urgent and important agenda to transform the hostel into an HHCJ Clinic. It is not an easy task but it is in the pipeline and by Divine Providence we pray there will be a way out. It is hoped that all our retired health personnel will be put to further use here in that facility if established.



In 1999 the catholic Bishop of Goaso Diocese, Most Rev. Peter Kwaku Atuahene invited the HHCJ Sisters to come and work in the Diocese. In response to the Bishop’s invitation, the then Provincial Superior Sr. Elizabeth Anderson assigned Sr. Lucy Sarfoaa Manu to Mim. In September, 1999, Sr. Lucy arrived in Mim and the official opening of the convent was done the same day of arrival. Since she was all alone, Sr. Elizabeth Anderson stayed with her for three days until Sr. Theresa Afia arrived as a community member for a very short while and left. Sister Lucy was to head the St. James Prep/JHS School belonging to the Parish.

She started teaching at the R/C Primary/JHS in town until October 1999 when the St James school was officially handed over to the HHCJ Sisters. Sr. Lucy was the First Headmistress and was also serving her bond at the R/C School in town as she was a newly trained teacher. The school was up to class four at this time. When Sr. Lucy finally finished her bond at the R/C and took over St. James, she was all alone because at this time Sr. Theresa Afia her community member had been re-assigned.  So a second year novice was sent to be with Sr. Lucy: Sr. Happiness Osuji. She was on 6months community experience. Sister Happiness was the acting school bursar and also teaching in class one at the St. James Prep/JHS, this was in1999. In the year 2000 Sr. Bridget Mwingyine after first profession was formally assigned to the community and took over as the school bursar. But Sr. Happiness was now assigned to teach at the Kindergarten class till the end of her community experience.

Sr. Lucy started and finished the main elementary school block. She later started the Junior High School (JHS) Block which she did not finish before leaving for further studies in the USA. This was, however, completed by her successor. Sr. Mary Dorothy the second Headmistress. Sr. Agnes Ackah-Mensah was in the Mim community from 2005 to 2006 as a teacher in the Mim Roman Catholic School before moving to the private sector finally. In 2006, Sr. Agnes Ackah-Mensah fully took charge of the St. James Primary/JHS as Headmistress of the school until she went for further studies and Sr. Stella Egbu also took over as the next Headmistress. Sr. Edith Kuupan was in this community as school bursar one year-2006 and left for Scholasticate, Nigeria. After Sr. Stella the school was headed by Sr. Catherine Danso Sefah for a couple of years with Sr. Paula Banglieobo as school bursar and teacher. Both were transferred in 2021 and they were replaced by Sr. Blessing Abang as Headmistress and Sr. Dorcas Kyere as school bursar. Release duty: Sr. Felicia Fokawati was assigned to Mim community in 2020 very briefly on release duty.

Apart from their primary apostolate the Sisters actively participate in the pastoral work at the parish. The Sisters started and founded the Youth/Junior Choir in the parish. Initially, the St. James Prep/JHS was managed by the OLA Sisters until they left Mim and we took over.



Tepa community is one of the newest communities of the Province. This community was opened by Sr. Mary Louisa Bediako Asare as Local Superior and Sr. Emmanualla Dakurah in 2014. Shortly after that Sr. Debora Amankwaa was assigned to replace Sr. Emmanualla Dakurah as her services were urgently needed elsewhere. From 2015 when Sr. Belinda Bawa arrived from mission to Kenya she was also assigned to this community and to the school as a teacher. This community is located in the Goaso Diocese.

The Sisters came to begin the Ancilla Montessori Prep/JHS in the diocese. The school was officially opened on the 16th of September, 2014 few days after they arrived. They began with the September admissions into nursery two with a staff strength of the first two Sisters. This pioneer class were initially seven children in nursery 2. Sr. Mary Louisa is the First Headmistress and founder. Today the school has grown up to class six with a total population of 625. They have a Staff strength of 47 teaching and non-teaching.

Sr. Stella Egbu was assigned to the community as a teacher from 2017 to 2018. In 2021 Sr. Catherine Danso Sefah was also assigned to the community and to the school as the assistant Headmistress with Sr. Doris Twumwaa as school bursar.



The Bishop of Sefwi Wiaso, Most Rev. Joseph Francis Essien invited the Handmaids into his Diocese to mind the St. Raphael’s Primary and Junior High Schools which was collapsing gradually because of the low standard of education in the school. Sr. Scholastica Yiripare as the Superior was sent with Sr. Agatha Ifenkwe for this mission in 2001. While Sr. Scholastica was Headmistress of the primary section (from 2001-2007), Sr. Agatha was also the Headmistress of the Junior High School (from 2001-2008). The standard of the school had risen very high because of the good administration and hard work of these two Sisters. There was no convent when they arrived. They were given temporary accommodation at the Postulantum of the Rev. Brothers of St. John of God which is situated within the hospital premises (this hospital is run by these Rev. Brothers). It was a very difficult beginning for the two Sisters. Nevertheless, there was an official welcome ceremony for the Sisters at the St. Agatha’s Catholic church, Sefwi Asafo by the Vicar General of the Diocese, Very Rev. Fr. G. Asamoah. 

The apostolate was going on well until 2003; there was tension between the Rev. Brothers and the Dagaabas working at the hospital on one hand and the natives of Sefwi Asafo. The natives threatened the lives of the Rev. Brothers and the Dagaabas. The people’s grievance was that since the expatriates Rev. Brothers left Ghana and the African Rev. Brothers took over the running of the hospital, they have not continued the generousity they enjoyed from the White Rev. Brothers. That they preferred the White Rev. Brothers who used to provide their needs. They also argued that the Dagaabas have become numerous in the hospital and have taken over their positions at the hospital. There was a violent demonstration. The mob action claimed 7 lives. The Dagaabas fled the town for their lives. The mob blocked all roads and surrounded the premises of Rev. Brothers in the hospital.

The police intervened and escorted the Brothers to the Bishop’s house. Our Sisters joined the escort to the Bishop’s house for safety. Sr. Scholastica Yiripare briefed the Provincial Superior about the situation and Sr. Bernadette asked them to remain temporarily at our community in Kumasi until the situation was calm. The Sisters returned after about some months when peace and calm returned to the town.

From 2007 to 2009 Sr. Cornelia Darimani took over from Sr. Scholastica as Headmistress of the St. Raphael Primary School while Sr. Agatha was still the Headmistress of the JHS until 2008 when Sr. Agatha also handed over to Sr. Immaculata Egwim as Headmistress of the JHS section (2008-2009). Sr. Felicia Zumebome was assigned to the community in 2009. She succeeded Sr. Immaculata Egwim as Headmistress of the Primary section up to her retirement in 2020. Sr. Faustina Bema was also assigned to the community from 2014 to 2017 as a teacher in the school. The succeeding Sisters continued the good work that had begun in 2001. Unfortunately, today there seems to be a halt in the St. Raphael’s Primary/JHS; it is without a Sister personnel to make the desired impact and witnessing. Other Sisters who were also assigned to the community at different times in residence as students are: Sr. Christiana Chika Ifeabunike from 2005 to 2009 and Sr. Florence Badu from 2004 to 2005.

In addition to the school apostolate, Sr. Mary Paulina Prah, a staff midwife/Public Health Nurse, was assigned to the Asafo community to work in the St. John of God Hospital from 2009 to 2014. Sr. Mary was the head of the Theatre staff. Sr. Catherine Acquah worked in the same hospital as an HIV Counsellor from 2009 to 2018. From 2017 to 2018, Sr. Agnes Ackah Mensah was also assigned to the same hospital as a Procurement Officer. Presently, Sr. Jacinta Kuudamnuuru is working as a Physician Assistant in the hospital she assigned to this apostolate from 2014-2022.

The Sisters are faced with a serious accommodation problem there. Even though they have been there for over ten years, they have no permanent convent yet and so have been staying in a small Hospital bungalow. This is because the convent started for them has not yet been completed in Afere.




The HHCJ upon the invitation of the Bishop of Wiaso Diocese, Most Rev. Essien, arrived in Afere on the 4th of April, 2019. Sr. Stella Egbu was assigned and led the mission to Afere; she was accompanied by Sr. Stella Polkura. When they arrived the convent was not ready yet. The Parish Priest of St Joseph’s Catholic church Afere, Rev. Fr. Simon Obour accommodated the Sisters temporarily at the parish house for 3 months. After the 3 months the Sisters packed into the new house even though it was not completed. The Sisters were to run the Madonna Prep/JHS at the request of the Bishop. On the 10th of September, 2019, the Madonna Prep/JHS was officially opened and the Sisters started the September admissions into Crèche, Nursery1 and KG1with a total population of about 104 pupils and a staff (teaching) strength of 6.

The school took off beautifully but this was interrupted by the Covid 19 pandemic in the second term. Consequently, on the 16th March, 2020 the President of Ghana, His Excellency Akuffo Addo announced the lock-down and the school has since been closed. As at July since the Sisters moved into the two rooms that were completed in 2019 nothing has been done up to now regarding the completion of the convent nor the school. This brings to the fore that at the request to take up an apostolate, the Bishops usually sound eager and very positive initially about putting everything in place for the take-off of the project. Sadly, there have been many instances when Sisters arrived to an apostolate only to realize nothing was in place as promised. The Bishops on many cases have not delivered on their promises bringing untold hardships on the Sisters in the particular apostolates. This is what our Sisters are suffering here in Afere. HHCJ family need to straighten our policies regarding our contracts with the Bishops, such that we should see them deliver before we also make a move.


Currently, Sr. Stella Polkura is on the Scholasticate programme of the Congregation in Nigeria. Sr. Stella finished the programme and continued with the Tertianship programme also in Nigeria in preparation for her perpetual vows this year. She was replaced by Sr. Agatha Acquaye as the school bursar and teacher as well. Sr. Felicia Fokawati was assigned there for a few weeks on release duty in 2020.





In January 1990 Sister Bernadette Honny was appointed by the Catholic Bishops’ Conference to work at the National Catholic Secretariat as Assistant to the Director of the Catholic Drug Centre who was due to retire.  In January 1990 she commenced work at the National Catholic Secretariat in Accra. She was to understudy Sr. Ancilla Fox, a Saint Louise Sister, who was preparing to go on retirement to take over the running of the ‘’Health Department’’ from her. Sister was living in a flat with a Sister of Mary Immaculate (SMI) in the Redco Estate at Madina in Accra which was owned by the Catholic Secretariat. SR. Scholastica Yiripare, was with Sr. Bernadette at Redco Flat as a Sister student from 1998-2000.    

At this time the HHCJ had no accommodation in the capital city yet.  Consequently, the Province considered it necessary and urgent to have a foundation in Accra and so as soon as Sr. Bernadette got to Accra, she sought tirelessly to acquire a piece of land for a convent and a school. She acquired a plot of land for a Convent and was able to acquire another twenty (20) acre plot of land adjacent to the Convent site for a school at Haatso in Accra at almost no cost. This was because the Chief took only a token as payment.  May the Lord bless him for this. Sr. Bernadette applied for and got foreign aid which she used part to pay for the Convent land and the remaining to start its building. Further appeals were made for more funds to bring the convent up to a roofing level.                                                                                                    

Meanwhile Sr. Germaine Ocansey who was in the USA also appealed for funds for the school and the amount realized initially was used to make blocks for the school building.  Lack of funds delayed the starting of the school building, as a result, people encroached upon the land removing the pillars that had been erected to demarcate it, thereby reducing drastically the twenty-acre land that was given us. The Sisters fenced round the remaining piece of land to secure it.                                                                                                                                                                                  On 19th December 1999 Sr. Germaine returned from her studies in the USA and opted to perch in the uncompleted convent to see to the construction of the school building. Sister Bibian Onyekaonwu was sent to join her in the community on 14th January 2000. The laying of the foundation of the school block was commenced on 1st March 2000. As soon as part of the school building was completed, classes started on 28th September 2000 with thirteen (13) pupils by Sr. Germaine Ocansey as the Headmistress and Sr. Bibian Onyekaonwu as a teacher and the Acting School Bursar from 2000 to 2004. The school was named Ancilla Prep/JHS. This was the second school established by the HHCJ in Ghana Province.

 By that time in our history in Ghana the Provincial seat was moved from Sunyani to Accra. Yet we had no Provincial house. Sr. Elizabeth was the Provincial Superior at this time. So she was to move into the Haatso school community temporarily which was by now completed to an appreciable level with Sr. Germaine and Sr. Bibian. And this was now to be the seat of provincial government but this was very close to end of the 1st Provincial tenure of office. Sr. Bernadette was Sr. Elizabeth’s Provincial Vicar and she lived at the Redco Flat with Sr. Scholastica Yiripare who was by then a student.                                                                                        

The second Provincial chapter in 2000 ushered in Sr. Bernadette Honny as the next elected Provincial Superior. So she resigned from office, left her Redco secretariat accommodation and joined the sisters at the Haatso Convent. This community was the Provincial house for some years. Sr. Germaine Ocansey was also at this chapter elected the Provincial Vicar. Sisters Margaret Mary Ntrakwah, Agatha Kamara, Hanni Hope Mrizi and Josephine Agboso also joined the community later and were all working in the school except Sr. Margaret Mary who was working with the disabled children.

From 2000 to 2003 Sr. Agatha Kamara was the community superior and also the Provincial secretary to Sr. Bernadette Honny. Sr. Josephine Agboso was the community superior and the Provincial Bursar from 2002 to 2005. Sr. Scholastica Yiripare also lived in the Haatso community -2000-2002 as a student and in-charge of Sister Students Abroad. From 2003 Sr. Faustina Ganaa was assigned to the community and was a teacher at the Accra Training College.

Other Sisters who taught in the school from 2000 to 2005 were Sr. Gladys Brobbey, Sr. Caroline Ayango Ochieng, Sr. Josephine James Kanne, Sr. Regina Asante and Sr. Anne Hope Mrizi.  In 2004 Sr. Anne took over as the School Bursar from Sr. Bibian. Sr. Edith Kuupan was assigned to the Haatso community from 2005 to 2006 and served at the Ancilla Prep/JHS on release duty. The Sisters continued to make more appeals, mostly to ‘’Kinder in Afrika’’ in Germany, and got furniture and beds, some of which were sent to the Atebubu Hostel and the rest used in the school at Haatso. In 2008 to 2009 Sr. Constance Ansong was assigned to the Ancilla Prep/JHS school canteen.

The fourth Provincial chapter elected Sr. Germaine Ocansey as Provincial Superior in 2006. Sr. Germaine still lived in this community as Provincial Superior till 2007 when she formally moved to live at the present Provincial house in Sowutuom which already housed the Provincial Bursar, Sr. Cecilia Nkansah Boadu and the Provincial Secretary, Sr. Joyce Baabereyir and other Sisters. At this time Sr. Julian Gyamfi took over as Headmistress who had just returned from the USA. Sr. Juliana was also elected at the fourth Provincial Chapter into the Provincial Council. Sr.  Mary Louisa Bediako-Asare was the Provincial Vicar and had relocated to this community from Nsoatre in 2007 as Headmistress of the Ancilla JHS, while Sr. Juliana Gyamfi was now Headmistress of the Primary School Unit.

Other Sisters who had joined this community from 2007 to 2022 include Sr. Mary Dorothy Honny, Sr. Maryann Ononiwu, Sr. Germaine Amuoh (of blessed memory), Sr. Veronica Thomson-Quainoo, Sr. Selina Owusu, Faustina Yetana, Sr. Doris Kiprono, Sr. Lucy Yeltule Dery, Sr. Blessing Abang, Sr. Martha Ogar. Sr. Anne Hanni Mrizi was the school bursar from 2004 to 2010 and handed over to Sr. Selina Owusu from 2010 to 2013. Sr. Faustina Yetana took over from Selina from 2013 to 2014 and left for school. Sr. Debora Amankwaa stepped in from 2014 to 2015 as the school bursar and since 2015 Sr. Cecilia Nkansah Boadu has been the school bursar. After serving diligently from 2007 to 2014, Sr. Juliana as Headmistress eventually handed over to Sr. Lucy Dei in 2014 and Sr. Lucy served till 2020. Sr. Rose Naatu was the Assistant Headmistress. Due to health reasons Sr. Lucy has had to hand over to Sr. Susana Amuh in 2020 who is the current Headmistress assisted by Sr. Paula Banglieobo.



It became necessary to move our Provincial administration to Accra from Sunyani. In an attempt to get a Provincial House, efforts were made to secure part of Sowutuom Seminary land which the Bishops’ Conference was offering Religious Communities in Ghana.  This did not work because we were a little too late and our search for a house or a piece of land elsewhere proved futile.  As Providence would have it, an uncompleted house belonging to a doctor near the seminary, Sowutuom-Accra; was eventually acquired and completed. The uncompleted structure was turned into a five-bedroom house.

This served as the seat of the HHCJ Provincial Administration in Accra which hitherto was temporarily governed from the Haatso school community. To get this done, more and more appeals were made to agencies abroad for funds. The ‘’Church in Need’’ in Germany and the ‘’Propaganda Fide’’ in Rome, responded to these appeals. Together with the little money that we had, we were able to buy and complete the uncompleted house. The Provincialate was officially opened on 25th January 2005. The Provincial Superior Sr. Bernadette Honny, moved to Sowutuom with Sr. Joyce Baabereyir as the Provincial Secretary. They were later joined by Sr. Cecilia Nkansah Boadu as the Provincial Bursar. These Sisters were the pioneers at the Provincial house.  

                                                                                                                                                                             The next Provincial Superior, Sr. Germaine Ocansey ushered in in 2006, added to the building a one story building comprising: three self-contained bedrooms on the upper floor and administrative offices for the Provincial Superior, the Secretary and the Bursar on the ground floor and a small conference room in 2006. This was indeed an innovative step and these offices in no small way have served their worth. Sr. Germaine also added two more bedrooms detached from the main convent building and a storeroom still on the same compound for visiting Sisters especially when there are many visiting.

When Sr. Eugenia returned home after her tenure of office as Vicar General of the Congregation she has been assigned here ever since. Sr. Eugenia is fully engaged as a Spiritual Directress, she gives spiritual direction and retreats to the HHCJ formatees/young Sisters both in Ghana and Nigeria preparing them for hooding, clothing, temporary profession and even sometimes 30-days retreat in preparation for final profession. Sr. Eugenia is the Provincial House In-charge and also the Formation Coordinator of the congregation. Sister is also actively involved in Pastoral work as much as her energy can carry her. Sr. Bertha Frimpong was also at the Provincialate from 2007 to 2009 as Assistant Provincial Secretary and finally took over as the Provincial Secretary and Vocation Directress from 2014 to 2021.  Sr. Bertha was transferred to the Generalate as Communications Directress in 2021.

Sr. Cecilia Nkansah Boadu took over as Provincial Bursar from Sr. Josephine Agboso in 2006 to 2010. The fifth Provincial Chapter elected Sr. Ignatia Safoaa Buaben as Provincial Superior. Sr. Hanni Hope Mrizi succeeded Sr. Cecilia as Provincial Bursar from 2011 to 2016. She was asked to resign which she did and left Ghana finally in 2016. Sr. Ignatia was re-elected as Provincial in the 6th Provincial Chapter, this was around 2017. From 2016 to 2017 the Province was without a Bursar. The Provincial was acting at the same time. In 2017 however, up to 2021 Sr. Cecilia was re-called to serve as the Provincial Bursar and at the same time the School Bursar of Ancilla Prep/JHS Haatso. It was a herculean task serving in this double role and duty. But Sr. Cecilia the true Handmaid and secret martyr that she is, persevered in this double task amidst ill-health until in 2021 when was relieved of the duty as Provincial Bursar. Sr. Faustina Yetana is the current Provincial Bursar effect from September 2021.

Other Sisters who lived in the Provincial house between 2007 to 2022 are: Sr. Constance Ansong (student), Sr. Martha Ali, Sr. Sabina Daanoba Provincial accounts office/secretariat, Sr. Mary Amoako, Sr. Peace Kuyaka, Sr. Charlotte Sullo, Sr. Jacinta Aiyetutu Attari, Sr. Maureen Oputa, Sr. Lucy Yeltule Dery, Sr. Martha Ogar, Sr. Agnes Ackah-Mensah, Sr. Rosemary Tameah (student), Sr. Cecilia Aba Bosomtwi (student), Sr. Felicia Asuguo and Sr. Thelma Nora Fynn.

Sr. Christina Doggu is also assigned to this community as the current Provincial Superior. The 7th Provincial Chapter ushered in Sr. Christina Doggu as Provincial Superior in 2019. Presently the Province is again feverishly preparing for the 8th Provincial Chapter in Ghana.


                     REGIONAL ADMINISTRATION                                                                                                                                          

During the 3rd General Chapter in Calabar in 1971, it was decided that Ghana should operate on experimental basis as a Region. Sister Mary Francis Amissah, the fourth General Councilor at that time was appointed the experimental Regional Superior with Sr. Mary Pius Andrews as her Councilor. Sr. Mary Francis administered the Region from 1972 to 1983.  Sr. Margaret Mary Ntrakwah took over from her after the 1st Regional Chapter in 1983. Sr. Mary Francis became the Regional superior again for two more terms from 1986 to1992 and she was succeeded by Sr. Elizabeth Anderson in 1992, who administered till the erection of the Provincial administration in 1997.

After our first chapter in1983, we were given more rights and responsibilities and we stood up to it. A lot of the Sisters were sent for further studies to be able to take up the apostolates that were given to us in different dioceses that we were invited to. One outstanding privilege that we were given was the right to vote for our own Regional Administrators. All these rights and privileges however were subject to confirmation by the General Administration. It was during this period of Regional Administration that most of our convents were erected

PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION FROM 1997                                                                                                                                     

During the 7th General Chapter in March 1996, it was decided that the HHCJ Congregation should be divided into Four Provinces (4) of South Eastern, Central Eastern, and North Western Provinces, and the Ghana Region was to be raised to a Province.  All the four Provinces were inaugurated on different dates with the Ghana Province being inaugurated on 13TH September 1997.  Sr. Elizabeth Anderson was appointed the first substantive Provincial Superior with Sisters Bernadette Honny, Victoria Takyi Nyarko, Rosemond Fiadjoe, and Mary Paulina Prah as her Councilors. Before the inauguration, we appealed for funds in all the Dioceses and the Parishes that we were working in. There was a very great and generous response to this appeal.

Furthermore, it was decided and spelt out at that General Chapter regarding the divisions into Provinces that Ghana Province shall comprise Togo and Sierra Leone. So far there is only one community in Togo, the Lome community in the Lome diocese and two communities also in Sierra Leone, Freetown community in the Archdiocese of Freetown and Pendemu community also in the Kenema diocese.